The vast majority in Christendom have become confused on even the most basic issues of life and death. The devil’s denial of death’s reality (Genesis 3:4) is the cornerstone of nearly every false teaching. But God has always preserved a remnant that embraces His word—all of it!
Read MoreNumerous traditions that were held high among God’s people were actually causing people to be lost. Paul’s encounter with Christ and his obedience to Him accomplished such a transformation in his life that he referred to his former conduct in an extremely negative light: “I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it.”
Read MoreHow often do you feel that the temptation to sin is just too powerful to overcome? It’s as though the enemy is on a winning streak that you just can’t break.
Read MoreThe enemy takes full advantage of our fallen natures to plant and cultivate ideas contrary to the word of God. Like a virus, we not only fall prey, but will propagate deadly ideas if we are not solidly grounded in this word from heaven.
Read MoreThe Lord commanded Jeremiah on one occasion to occupy a prominent spot at one of the main entrances to Jerusalem to highlight the importance of keeping holy the Sabbath day. They were losing sight of its sanctity, as pronounced in His Word.
Read MoreBrothers and sisters, instead of thinking upon your own weakness or timidity, meditate upon the personal and intimate love of the Shepherd. His love for each of us knows no measure. Don’t you want everyone to learn of such love?
Read MoreWhen we become His followers, it is not as though we have lost our free wills. Christ is the head of the Church, but He is not a dictator. In fact, it is the exercise of our wills for the express purpose of pleasing Him that constitutes true service and worship.
Read MoreThere is a popular manner of preaching today that presents grace as a character trait of God that willfully overlooks sin. But real grace is His power that works transformation in our character that we may gain victory over sin. What an indescribably wonderful gift is the gift of His grace!
Read MoreFrom the amazing mind of the Infinite Creator came myriads and waves of delight after delight: indescribable joy! Peace reigned over the earth. Think of a scene in nature without so much as a single dead leaf.
Read MoreWith every healing, Jesus was silently declaring, “MINE!”, for every molecule of creation belongs to Him. He invites each of us to join Him in reclaiming “territory” that is rightfully His.
Read MoreSome may view with incredulity the idea of weak and fallible vessels used of God to reach other weak and fallible vessels. But the beauty of the plan is the display of His mighty power rolled up with meekness. Why not win hearts for Him by those whose hearts have been won by Him?
Read MoreBeing thoughtfully careful not to add to or take away from the words of the Lord should be a “staple” for every Christian. God’s word is so richly, divinely lavished upon us as the tangible heavenly resource for all problem-solving (in case it wasn’t harnessed for preventing troubles).
Read MoreThe teaching of evolution has the effect of negating Scripture at the onset. Anyone who has made up his mind to “buy into” the evolution concept will suffer a severe spiritual handicap, should he attempt to read and understand God’s word. Yet, we must never forget, the Holy Spirit has the power to impress the intellect.
Read MoreJesus is leading each of us now to a greater faith than we have known; one that can endure trial and hardship and suffering with patience. Every tool of deception that Satan can muster will be used for the purpose of shattering our faith—and our faithfulness to Him who is true and holy and righteous.
Read MoreThe illicit relationship between Satan and people was initiated by Satan in the Garden of Eden. We must thank God that—from before the foundation of the world—He provided for the redemption of mankind, which, since all have sinned, includes assisting each of us in “breaking up” with the devil.
Read MoreThe ultimate battle in the war between good and evil known as the battle of Armageddon is not a political and military battle. It is just as it has always been: a spiritual and theological one. God is allowing a display of all things that go against His word, that every soul may be brought to a point of decision.
Read MoreThe devil desires for God’s people to be unprepared when Jesus returns. Those who believe they will be whisked away secretly before the time of trouble will be utterly unprepared for any sort of test or challenge.
Read MoreThe first five of the final plagues are literal, but the last two are described in symbolic terms. As we look back to the conquest of the ancient, highly fortified city of Babylon, we are reminded that Cyrus the Persian king drained the Euphrates River, making an easy entrance for his troops to enter and conquer the city of Babylon.
Read MoreThose who accepted the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image (Revelation 16:2) have thus far suffered terrible sores, a failed economy, lack of water to drink, and scorching of the sun to rival the worst sunburn. Now paralyzed in thick darkness, they are beginning to realize the utter impotence of the “unholy trinity”* to deliver what was promised.
Read MoreAt its zenith, Babylon was a mixed culture of many conquered peoples united in the worship of the sun. Today, in the wake of disasters, violence, pandemics, etc., weary people will be led to unite around a plan that lifts Sunday as the worldwide day of rest. A longing for peace will make people vulnerable to man’s ideas for achieving it.
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