Women’s Ministries
How privileged we are to be part of Christ’s body! While it is still “day” we must be about our Father’s business. Let us commit to prayer for each other and the church throughout the world, as we answer the call to care for those whom God places in our path, both inside and outside the church. Each day is a new opportunity to bless and uplift someone. Each of us has a place which no one else can fill. This is a testament to the power of God to assemble us, His body, as He sees fit. Various gifts of the Spirit are given that all may be blessed and encouraged! And what a fabulous variety of ladies we have at College Drive. All glory to God!
This note is accompanied by a special prayer of thanksgiving for all of our ladies and the many and varied contributions each of you make for the life of the church. Everyone is busy, and we all struggle to manage our time and resources in the best possible way. Please let your prayer requests and concerns be known. You are invited to contact me with prayer requests, questions, concerns, or to volunteer for any ministry jobs.
Mary Miller/222 Bellewether Pass/Ridgeland, MS/39157/601.842.7785