Daily Devotional
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The Great Physician, with tenderness and great care, can—by His word—cut into a person’s soul and remove the deadly spirit of covetousness, and every other spirit that has no place in the soul of a citizen of heaven.
For centuries and millennia, God’s faithful armies of angels have been working behind the scenes for the salvation of individuals upon the earth. We should draw great encouragement in this fact, rather than allowing the situations that we cannot control to overwhelm us.
Does it seem strange that, as the Lord rides out to retrieve His bride, He wears a bloodstained robe? There may be more than we can understand here, but we can be absolutely certain that He has taken notice of all the bloodshed in our fallen world—from the very first murder—and that nothing will keep Him from setting everything right.
The fire in the eyes of the Lord exhibits not only His passion for people, but anger at the sin that brings woe and death to them. Do you love Him for being angry over the things that would harm you?
This is not meant to be a “warm and fuzzy” pair of details for us to cuddle up with. If we remember the letter written to the last-day church, it should cause us to bolt upright and get serious about the business at hand, which is getting the everlasting gospel to every soul.
The testimony of Jesus is for each of us to receive and hold fast, as priceless treasure. The great archenemy seizes every opportunity to insert unbiblical ideas into true prophecy for the purpose of dislodging this treasure from our grasp…
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