The Great Physician, with tenderness and great care, can—by His word—cut into a person’s soul and remove the deadly spirit of covetousness, and every other spirit that has no place in the soul of a citizen of heaven.
Read MoreFor centuries and millennia, God’s faithful armies of angels have been working behind the scenes for the salvation of individuals upon the earth. We should draw great encouragement in this fact, rather than allowing the situations that we cannot control to overwhelm us.
Read MoreDoes it seem strange that, as the Lord rides out to retrieve His bride, He wears a bloodstained robe? There may be more than we can understand here, but we can be absolutely certain that He has taken notice of all the bloodshed in our fallen world—from the very first murder—and that nothing will keep Him from setting everything right.
Read MoreThe fire in the eyes of the Lord exhibits not only His passion for people, but anger at the sin that brings woe and death to them. Do you love Him for being angry over the things that would harm you?
Read MoreThis is not meant to be a “warm and fuzzy” pair of details for us to cuddle up with. If we remember the letter written to the last-day church, it should cause us to bolt upright and get serious about the business at hand, which is getting the everlasting gospel to every soul.
Read MoreThe testimony of Jesus is for each of us to receive and hold fast, as priceless treasure. The great archenemy seizes every opportunity to insert unbiblical ideas into true prophecy for the purpose of dislodging this treasure from our grasp…
Read MoreAny of us can readily sympathize with John, especially considering the enormous contrast between his harsh surroundings and treatment versus the beauty of the vision, the glory of the angel, and the greatness of the message.
Read MoreJesus, the Master Teacher, is teaching us to look beyond our suffering in this world. We cannot fathom the unimaginable suffering He was about to endure, yet He voluntarily entered into it even as He looked beyond it for the joy that was set before Him …
Read MoreIncluded with the pattern of calling and wooing His people, the Lord holds out to us His raiment of beautiful character.
Read MoreThe ancient Jewish wedding practice begins with betrothal. Christ left His heavenly home to seek His bride on the earth. He purchased her—paid the bride-price—by giving His righteous and sinless life for her at the cross. He went back to His Father’s home to prepare a home for her.
Read MoreIt is within your power to give Him unhindered reign in your heart right now, today, and from this day forward. It is His reign within you that is the fuel for living righteously. This is the key to gaining a true sense of heavenly belonging.
Read MoreAdmittedly, it is a serious and permanent commitment. But never forget that He is for you and with you in your desire to order your life in a way that is both pleasing to Him and potentially winsome to others.
Read MoreThis joyful interjection is in “command form” to everyone present. In popular use among first century Christians, it clearly displays the Hebrew foundation of the Christian faith.
Read MoreThe great multitude in heaven gives all glory to God for the salvation of lost humans. For millennia they have been His agents—on one assignment after another—doing His bidding behind the scenes. The angels honor God with explosive enthusiasm.
Read MoreThe vivid descriptions and indictments of MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT make clear the identity of a worldly system firmly established in apostasy. The announcement of her downfall is a powerful wake-up call to God’s true people everywhere to break ties with a religious system that is out of alignment with the gospel.
Read More. . . as a false idea is presented for the purpose of making it seem acceptable, or at the very least, harmless. Beware! Mainstreaming deceptions has been the consistent goal of the Deceiver.
Read MoreThe Lord’s intervention restores justice and brings an end to sin. His perfect life is our example, and His grace is our empowerment. He shows us in His word why He must bring an end to Babylon.
Read MoreThe Bible provides many descriptions and parallels to help us understand the identity of Babylon. She is a master of hiding her abominations in plain sight and disguising herself.
Read MoreThe redemption of stubborn—stiff-necked—souls is often a business of tough love. Due to our selfish and sinful natures, we complicate our lives terribly. Apart from the Lord, they are flawed beyond repair.
Read MoreThe utter demise of ancient (literal) Babylon and the destruction of Tyre, along with the overthrow of Sodom and the cities of the plain are affirmations of the surety of the prophesied destruction of spiritual Babylon given to our brother John.
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