Satan is behind the killing of God’s people, but those who do the killing have rejected Jesus and the covering He offers through His precious blood (see Hebrews 10:29). In rejecting Christ, they have rejected the living water. So, the third plague changes all the fresh drinking water to blood . . .
Read MoreThere is a joyfully inexplicable, divine element in God’s economy. Spiritual riches/blessings come to those who love and receive the truth of His word. But those who refuse to receive corrections stifle their own growth and will lose even the correct knowledge of the Lord that they may have.
Read MoreThe worldwide plagues that befall the earth before Jesus returns are not arbitrary. When the mark of the beast crisis begins, there is no visible distinction between those who have the mark in their forehead or hand, and those who have the seal of God in their forehead.
Read MoreAmong those various crowds, surely there were many whose interest was more in the temporal benefits Jesus was providing than the spiritual. But we are shown in all three of these cases priceless lessons about the character of Jesus.
Read MoreThis glimpse of the future is much closer now than when John penned the vision. It is the duty and privilege of every Christian to personally engage and actively help others prepare for the return of Jesus.
Read MoreGod is everywhere all the time, but it is a fact that the seventh day He has set apart as different from the other six days in the same way that the ground near the burning bush was different. God’s presence in a special, supernatural way is what makes it so.
Read MoreApart from grasping death’s reality, as stated early in Scripture and repeated countless times, we cannot possibly appreciate God’s power over death. Without the reality of death, the resurrection of Jesus from the dead loses its meaning.
Read MoreGod’s church had an explosion of growth in the first century AD, and this will be repeated before He returns to take us to that place which He is now preparing for us (John 14:1-3).
Read MoreThe terrible emergency that sin ushered into the world also highlights God’s incredible love for us in that He is continually at work to fully restore His image in us, even holiness. The fact that He works in us and through us is a display of His grace and the urgency of His plan.
Read MoreElijah was zealous for the LORD and for how His character was perceived among the people. The extensive system of idolatry and false gods of Jezebel’s culture and background was reinforced by Ahab. . . ..Ahab and Jezebel are coalescing once again.
Read MoreThe three characters here—Ahab, Jezebel, and Elijah—are symbolically prophetic of what is happening in the world today. The Reformers, upon gaining access to God’s Word, recognized Jezebel as symbolic of corrupting influences within the Roman Catholic church. As Roman Catholics themselves, they humbly acknowledged their own part of the general problem.
Read MoreIs there any amount of effort or energy or time or money that we could spend for the care of the wounded that could be considered too much? What is the value of a life? In the eyes of the Lord, it is infinite.
Read MoreYes, Jesus comes in mercy to bind us up wherever we are wounded so that the healing process can commence. And the sooner the better! What are the divine agents for healing? They are oil and wine, and they must be generously poured into every wounded place.
Read MoreThus far, there are three characters in the story: the stripped and wounded man left half dead is any and every one of us. The second and third characters are church leaders with no fruit of the Spirit. They too are lost. So, all three characters thus far presented are in a lost condition.
Read MoreIf anyone is a believer, then Satan wants to destroy anyone’s faith. And he wants to steal the uncorrupted ‘teachableness’ of every young person. His motives are far uglier than we can even imagine.
Read MoreThe Master Teacher brought this lawyer to an unanticipated level of engagement by answering his question with a question. The genuinely respectful tone of voice of Jesus—along with that piercingly thoughtful gaze—totally disarmed the lawyer!
Read MoreIn modern usage, the word “despise” is applied in a context of active loathing or hatred. But the word that is translated despised in Scripture refers to a passive verb.
Read MoreIn His great wisdom, Jesus communicated in various ways and degrees of emphasis, depending upon the listeners. He employed softer words whenever possible, conveying the light of truth to hearts tender and receptive to the foundational principles of heaven. In the cases of those who have allowed corruption to alter their ways of thinking, His words are sharper in order to break through the shell of hardness.
Read MoreCorinth was one of the worldliest of cities, over-run with corruption of every sort. Their advantage was having in plain view the marked contrast between the godless culture from which they came and the pure gospel teachings of God’s love, forgiveness, and a new, wholesome life of living for Him as a testimony of His grace to change hearts.
Read MoreBeloved, your confidence lies in the authority of Jesus. Your faithfulness to Him is a display, showing that His authority is the standard to which you are committed.
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