A true Israelite is one “who loves the name of the Lord” and knows from experience His true character. He knows how to “prevail with God” in prayer. Indeed, a true Israelite has a close, life-changing relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Read MoreThe beauty and harmony that the human ear is capable of detecting can only be of divine design. Yet the hearing of spiritual things with spiritual ears is of far greater value.
Read MoreWe are taught that God hears us; but do we hear Him? Too often we are so preoccupied with our own needs and desires that our precious little time in prayer is spent entirely in telling Him what we “need” Him to do.
Read MoreNow, at the end of earth’s history, church reforms are greatly needed in order to get back to the teachings of our Creator and Redeemer. Fortunately, many souls are recognizing how far away from the gospel the church has moved…
Read MoreThe tribe of Gad symbolizes all who have been confronted by a “troop” of temptations, but who finally turn to the Lord for strength and deliverance.
Read MoreAs Christian soldiers, we are to live a life of obedience and discipline under the flawless commands of our beloved Commander in Chief.
Read MoreThe purpose of this chapter is to answer the closing question of chapter six with a description of those who are enabled to withstand the coming onslaught of strife more intense than the world has ever seen.
Read MoreHis name is the LORD. His title is Creator (implied by the word made). And His territory is the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them. This positive identifier punctuates the end of the fourth commandment.
Read MoreIt is a fact that the divine agency of the Lord—which includes His faithful angels—is constantly at work on our behalf. We are no match for the horrendous evils that work against us.
Read MoreOur God is intensely interested in our character development. Each of us, in order to be prepared for heavenly perfections, must possess a character that stands with God.
Read MoreThe separating effect of sin is more than a tragedy. It can lead to eternal loss of life, but God—our God of love—wants us to live! In love, pity, and compassion the Lord initiates the process of reconciliation with each of us…
Read MoreHis awesome power is more than matched by the tenderness of His love. It is a love that has patiently awaited for His beloved to voluntarily come to Him. Over and over we are told that His valiant return for His bride is assured.
Read MoreThe darkness began moving in mid-morning, and by noon it was pitch black. No ray of the sun broke through. The thick darkness remained until past midnight, during which time no moon or twinkling stars could be seen.
Read MoreRevelation is a book of prophecy, and prophecy is for the living (1:3). Whether you die a natural death, are martyred, or are still alive when Jesus comes for His bride, accept the grace that He provides for your continued faithfulness to Him.
Read MoreIt is an important aspect of our prayer life to understand the perfection of His timing alongside the limits of our human desires, no matter how godly.
Read MoreIt is true that the gospel message is divisive. It has the power to separate each one of us from our own sinful ways, but it also brings division between those individuals who choose the cleansing path toward heaven and those who pridefully reject it.
Read MoreBeloved, do not miss the redemptive purposes of the Lord’s chastisements and judgments. Never forget that Jesus is in control . . .
Read MoreThe mature student of His word is continually led into deeper and greater understanding, and his life is a continual blessing to others.
Read MoreWith strong symbolism, the second horse that rides forth as the second seal is broken illustrates the consequences that people bring upon themselves when they reject the gospel. But there is indescribable peace for those who truly love Jesus, accept His word, and honor His law.
Read MoreTo go out onto the battlefield sharing the Good News of Christ is even more than His mercy and provision of forgiveness for your past. It is about the amazing power that is readily provided—as we continue on the path of life.
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