The events that play out as the result of the unsealing will be a display of the freedom to choose, which is at the core of pure Love. Our Savior is proactive in carrying out the plan of salvation, while His sworn enemy has chosen to be proactive in preventing it. Each of us is free to choose exactly who it is that we will follow.
Read MoreHis choice to become a man and reach to the lowest pit in order to lift up fallen mankind was not an afterthought. No, indeed! This plan was firmly in place before the foundation of the world.
Read MoreWhy do they care so much? It is humans who are the direct recipients of the saving act of Christ. Let us think through what angels have experienced and observed over the course of time . . .
Read MoreA grave danger of any deception is that belief of it occupies a place where truth should reside.
Read MoreAlthough the word “trinity” does not specifically appear in the Bible, there are separate and distinct roles in the execution of the masterful plan of salvation for wayward men.
Read MoreAnd it is always appropriate to plead with Him on behalf of others. I have seen prayers answered for me in recent years that were prayed by my dear grandmother while she was still alive.
Read MoreThe act of taking of the scroll completes the transfer of power from the Father to the Son. This transference of authority demonstrates the Father’s full acknowledgement of His Son’s utter triumph over the very worst that our enemy can do.
Read MoreWe are in need of His Holy Spirit if we are to overcome our opinions. Human opinions can render us stubborn, dense, slow to understand. We over-complicate things by giving too much weight to our own ideas.
Read MoreThe man Christ Jesus, was tested more severely than any man who ever lived, and He overcame every trap and snare of the enemy.
Read MorePositive character traits must be claimed by faith, and then be tested and proven in one’s life. True achievements in character development have lasting, eternal value.
Read MoreBut there is yet hope for anyone who will wholeheartedly turn back to the Lord. As last day delusions intensify, there is more and more to overcome. We must learn to make a clear distinction between the straight testimony of the Lord and . . .
Read MoreThese two things—sin and death—are inextricably related. We are given opportunity in this life to receive forgiveness of sin and begin living a new life whereby we actively participate—under the grace of the Lord—in doing away with sin.
Read MoreIf we are not diligent to learn of the One to whom our worship is due, then we unwittingly place ourselves in danger of wrongly directing our worship.
Read MoreDo you love Him enough to believe all that He says? Do you trust that He knows best?
Read MoreThe obedience of the Israelites regarding camp set-up in the wilderness created an unforgettable visual for the onlookers. This peculiar people belonged to the King of the Universe.
Read MoreWe are living in a final season of judgment that precedes our Savior’s return. If you and I want to come out alive, now is the time to put to death (Romans 8:13) every lawbreaking aspect of our lives.
Read MoreParallel to this magnificent assembly in heaven is a humble assembly in the upper room of an ordinary house on earth.
Read MoreThough the accuser would have us think otherwise, our loving Lord has nothing to hide. And unlike human governments, God’s government is laid out for all to see.
Read MoreIt is only because of the absolute purity of His character of love that we exist and have a solid foundation upon which to build our life. This fallen world is a place of great danger, yet we may tread safely because of the protection afforded by the truth of His word.
Read MoreIt is a fact that sincere followers of Christ experience, to one degree or another, rejection, persecution, or both. But know that our God is active and in control. The pinpoint accuracy of His prophetic word is a peculiar comfort in the heat of battle.
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