The first living creature was like a lion, the second living creature like a calf, the third living creature had a face like a man, and the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle. Revelation 4:7

Motivated by pure love, the Creator reveals something of Himself in the things which He has made (see Psalm 19 and Romans 1:20). Creation itself is a “lesson book” that provides insight into His character. In our world’s fallen state, even our limited minds can distinguish between intended purposes and the corruptions in nature wrought by our archenemy (see Romans 8:21).

The rescued children of Israel had built the portable tabernacle, according to the detailed instructions given to Moses. The camp was to be set up in four segments of three tribes each (see Numbers 2), with the tabernacle at the center. On the east side with Judah were Issachar and Zebulon, gathered under the banner of a lion. The Lion of the tribe of Judah (Revelation 5:5) is a symbol for Jesus. On the west with Ephraim were Manasseh and Benjamin, under the banner of a calf. The calf, as a sacrificial animal, symbolizes Jesus (Leviticus 9:3,8; Luke 15:23). On the south, under Reuben, were Simeon and Gad, under the banner of a man. The divine Creator entered His creation as fully human. He even referred to Himself as the Son of Man (Luke 6:5, 9:26). And on the north side, with Dan, were Asher and Naphtali, under the banner of a flying eagle. When a storm comes, the eagle has an incredibly wonderful plan of action: he flies upwards, passes through it, and soars above the storm (Isaiah 40:31). This is a fitting symbol for our Savior, who leads and provides for His people (Exodus 19:4; Revelation 12:14).

The camp of the rescued children of Israel was always set up in an open, highly visible area. This might seem counterintuitive to human reasoning, but God’s protection was evident by the massive pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night. Enemies could view the camp from higher locations around it. The instructions for setting up the tents on the east, west, south, and north sides were very specific. No tents were set up in the four areas that were northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest of the tabernacle. Thus, the distinctive shape of the camp was a cross. This foreshadowing of the ultimate sacrifice of our Lord to come was also a majestically riveting sight in full view of the enemies that surrounded them. The obedience of the Israelites regarding camp set-up in the wilderness created an unforgettable visual for the onlookers. This peculiar people belonged to the King of the Universe.

The four gospels reflect the symbols borne by the four living creatures, pointing to the ministry of Jesus on behalf of mankind. In them, we see Jesus as the noble, lion-like King. He was thusly perceived by the Jews before His incarnation. During His earthly life, leading up to the ultimate sacrifice for sin, He lived a sacrificial life, carrying out the divine plan to save wayward humans. The awful weight of our sin was placed, in type, upon a young calf, yet He bore it as an ox (Ezekiel 1:10) carrying a heavy burden. As a man, He lays claim to each of us as family (Matthew 12:50). With pinpoint accuracy, the justice of our God will be perfectly and swiftly executed, as a flying eagle dive-bombs its prey.

The word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may do it. Deuteronomy 30:14 (see also Numbers 2:34)

College Drive Church