saying with a loud voice: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing!” Revelation 5:12

This continuation of the praise of Jesus by the angels is so intense—with a loud voice—that we, in our finite thinking, might be puzzled over this intensity. Why do they care so much? It is humans who are the direct recipients of the saving act of Christ. Let us think through what angels have experienced and observed over the course of time: 1. a period of perfect peace (We do not know how long ago the angels—and other unfallen worlds—were created.) 2. a period when Lucifer was stealthily sowing discord among the angels (The LORD did not silence him, but instead patiently allowed time for the other created beings to make up their own minds.) 3. the outbreak of war in heaven; a war of words, to be sure (This openly heated ‘debate’ had winners and losers. The losers were cast out of heaven per Revelation 12:8-9). 4. a period of time after fallen angels were cast out of heaven but before being confined to the earth, as indicated by the freedom that Satan had to leave earth (He presented himself as earth’s representative before God and the representatives of other worlds in Job 1:6-7.) Dominion of earth was originally given to man per Genesis 1:28, but Adam gave it away when he sinned (see 2:17; 3:17), and with usurped authority, Satan crowned himself as earth’s ruler.

5. a big shift: The cross of Christ is the “Now” of Revelation 12:10. In full view of all of creation, He who had personally preached good tidings to the poor, healed broken hearts, proclaimed liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those whom Satan had bound (Isaiah 61:1, Luke 13:16), went willingly to His death, through indescribable suffering while bearing the weight of this sinful world. The treatment of the Savior at the hands of those under Satan’s sway, made it clear beyond any shadow of doubt that it was Satan—and not the LORD—who was the instigator of cruelty, coercive enslavement, murder, lies, and deceptive twisting of God’s word. The cross of Christ brought the dividing line—the watershed moment—into the minds of every observer. By unanimous agreement among all of the unfallen beings, there was no place for Satan anywhere else in the universe. Confinement to the earth was secured. Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male Child (Revelation 12:13).

6. The humble Savior and Redeemer who is the power behind all of creation, is currently waiting for His beloved people to see and understand both sides of the controversy. He is at work on our behalf, commanding the faithful angels, and extending to us the freedom to choose—for eternity—where we each will stand, or fall. It is increasingly clear that our sworn enemy opposes the keeping of God’s law (v.17). As the moments tick away toward the destruction of this earth as a seat of operations for the devil and his angels, take heart as you witness intensified efforts to deceive. Those who willingly tune in to God’s word are forewarned and forearmed.* Join the song of complete, seven-fold praise…

saying with a loud voice: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing!” Revelation 5:12

*Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 2 Timothy 3:12

College Drive Church