These letters cannot be separated from the rest of the book of Revelation, for the rest of the book builds upon them. Jesus Christ is revealed as the One with every provision for every need of every person who sincerely desires to follow Him.
Read MoreIdeally, people’s love for Him increases throughout their earthly lifetime, steadily moving towards a deeper desire to grasp and internalize just what it is that He is saying. In this scenario of determined obedience to His word, development of character is steadily trending upwards.
Read MoreThe lukewarm condition of the church in the last days is a most serious condition because it has the least measure of hope. This condition is one of smug self-sufficiency and indifference. It bears repeating that there is more hope for one possessed of an antagonistic spirit against God, or a cold state of being…
Read MoreKnowing that they had been misled by popular ideas, their resolve was to rely upon the Bible only, to distinguish between Biblical truth and concepts that had been imposed by men.
Read MoreThe road of compromise is a downward one. It is highly significant in eschatological progression that Jesus’s fourth letter addressing the church at Thyatira includes the mention of His return. This church will continue until the end of earth’s history.
Read MoreThose individuals who took the admonition in the letter to Ephesus seriously a) succeeded in reclaiming their fervent love for the Savior, and b) were empowered to live pure lives of loving obedience to His word in its fullness. This direction of the church certainly gained the enemy’s riveted attention.
Read MoreThe messages of the risen, glorified Christ to the churches were presented in illustrative language that could be readily understood. Even the introductions of Himself in each letter indicated His perfect capability to meet their unique needs.
Read MoreThis heavy emphasis on overcoming is purposeful, for it is the daily action of trust and obedience that is necessary for human character to develop as God intended.
Read MoreThere is a tragic irony coming to light in the closing days of earth’s history. Multitudes who have never had the advantage of literacy and access to the Bible will learn of Jesus and joyfully seek every possible way that they may serve and please Him. At the same time, many who have had full access to God’s word all of their lives, and who present themselves as His followers (see Isaiah 4:1), will find that they are shut out of heaven.
Read MoreBut the best part of it is not only being freed from certain things, but gaining the freedom to act in faithfulness and obedience in every area of life.
Read More….ask for the Spirit which is His to activate your mind and open your spiritual eyes to the firm reality and lasting nature of heaven.
Read MoreThere is still hope to get prepared for the coming of Jesus Christ. Admitting spiritual poverty may seem difficult, but what we receive in exchange for this pridefulness is spiritual gold.
Read MoreOn the eschatological scene, the development over the last four churches is worthy of our attention, for all four are, to one degree or another, still in operation.
Read MoreTo have a divided loyalty subjects a person to one of Satan’s most successful delusions: believing he is in a saved condition, but is actually in a tragic state of blindness regarding the workings of God’s grace.
Read MoreThis type of spiritual readiness is the opposite of thoughtless compulsiveness. It is a bright awareness possessed by someone who is ‘dying’ to live out in his life the truths of the word of God. Paul said, “I die daily.”
Read MoreThe introductory words that Jesus chose for Himself prepare us to hear what comes next. The letter to the Laodiceans exposes the sad condition of the church today.
Read MoreAssassination of character is the ‘constant companion’ of the Philadelphia church. In our broken world, rejection, ridicule, and worse signify that Christ’s followers will be overcoming Satanic attacks until the end.
Read MoreDisappointments have caused many to turn away from God. This is because they either blame Him or conclude that He isn’t real. There are even those who are ‘furious with Him for not being real’!
Read MoreAlmighty God has always dealt with people in a loving way, patiently guiding, encouraging, warning of danger. He is divinely capable of dealing corporately, for the gospel message of salvation is for everyone; and individually, as the souls of those whose hearts are loyal to Him are under divine protection.
Read MoreThe only two churches who received letters from Jesus containing no rebuke but only praise (Smyrna and Philadelphia) were also the most severely criticized by the supposed people of God.
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