Now, regarding the building: the tabernacle proper illustrates the sanctification of believers who, by faith—as citizens of heaven—enter the heavenly sanctuary….
Read MoreJesus, who compares Himself to Eliakim, truly has full access and authority over more than a royal house or a house of worship, but over all of life!
Read MoreOur Lord would never suggest something if it was not possible to accomplish. He stands ready at all times to come to our aid. Most of the overcoming that needs to happen is that of our own nature.
Read MoreYet, he had some essential growing to do, for he did not realize the incompleteness of his surrender to the Lord Jesus.
Read MoreTo remember its great cost should deepen gratitude and love for the Savior, as well as awaken an unspeakable appreciation for those upon whose shoulders we now stand.
Read MoreThere are evidently points upon which their understanding is correct, but they are neglecting to incorporate them into their lifestyles.
Read MoreFrom the Lord’s point of view, a spiritual lack of life is a preventable tragedy.
Read MoreIndeed, it was a very dark time. Jesus, the Light of Life, is the only true Comfort. His Spirit, our Comforter makes all the difference…
Read MoreJeremiah expounded upon the Potter’s prerogative to further illustrate that He is the ultimate righteous Judge whose jury—the faithful remnant—is perfectly settled in His truth. The standard of judgement is the Word of God and there shall be no trace of disagreement on that Day.
Read MoreThe great battle is incurred when I realize that the largest obstacle to overcome is myself. Jesus understands this intimately…
Read MoreBut our risen Savior ministers before His Father on our behalf in the heavenly sanctuary. Apart from daily conversation with Him in a love relationship, we can accomplish nothing that will last.
Read MoreTheir reliance upon the Spirit of God, along with faithfulness to the written Word included a readiness to accept correction from that Word. Thus, a loyal remnant was present as a witness in the world.
Read MoreIn a very real sense, He has laid Himself upon the examination table, that we might observe His character from every angle, and know where to place our loyalty.
Read MoreBiblical history provides a record of prophetic examples for us. Some are examples to follow, while others are terrible examples to avoid. This is the redemptive essence of prophecy! God wants to rescue us from impending danger, but we must want to be rescued!
Read MoreOn the surface, this problem may not look so bad. It even has an element of piety. She calls herself a prophetess. And while it is true that the early church had respected women who received the gift of prophecy, this woman was a wolf in sheep’s clothing and they knew it—yet did not take a stand against it.
Read MoreBut these followers of Jesus in the church of Thyatira were genuine. Their characters became the ‘modes of transportation’ that successfully bore the light of God’s salvation during dark times.
Read MoreThe longest of letters to the churches is given to the church in the smallest city of the seven. Buried beneath the modern-day district of Akhisar in Turkey is the ancient city of Thyatira.
Read MoreJesus knows each of His faithful ones so intimately that this affectionate new name will signify an aspect of character that resulted from enduring, endearing faithfulness . . .
Read MoreWere it not for the reality of divine grace, the sore temptations and tests would swallow us. The rewards of the overcomer’s life begin right away: gaining understanding of this thing or that concept which was hidden before.
Read MoreIn what is identified as unconditional prophecy, the righteous judgement of the Lord is a sure thing. It will happen – and soon! What a wonderful advantage to understand this fact ahead of time.
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