There are false teachers, instruments of Satan, who are introducing error among church members. God loves people so very much, and that is exactly why He hates for error to be mixed into His pure doctrine of salvation.
Read MorePergamos was the leading city in the empire for “emperor worship” in addition to being a center for pagan religious life. A yearly test of loyalty to Rome required each one to offer a pinch of incense before an idol representing the emperor while saying “Caesar is Lord.”
Read MoreIn our fallen world, culture and compromise have a dangerously close relationship. Yet, as followers of Christ, we are to discipline ourselves by cultivating our sensitivity to the hearing of His words.
Read MoreAt the time that our first parents chose to eat from the forbidden tree, they had not so much as seen a single leaf wither and fall to the ground. The intrinsic, vibrant beauty of a world without death is beyond the scope of our imagination.
Read MoreThe intense tribulation experienced by the church in Smyrna brought great fear and stress into the lives of these believers. It is only natural that they were under great tension and strain. But Jesus did not want that to be the heaviest weight of focus in their lives…
Read MoreBeloved, do you truly desire to be God’s instrument in winning the lost? If so, you will be supplied with the opportunity to speak and act in a winsome way. Just ask!
Read MoreIn our fallen world, the inevitable result of total surrender and faithfulness to Jesus is persecution from the opposition. Jesus had already laid this out for His listeners in the longest section of the Beatitudes.
Read MoreThere is a lifelong continuum of overcoming to do, as the enemy of souls has a veritable parade of shiny counterfeits to draw our worship away from the Creator.
Read MoreSocietal obligation to partake in pagan religious festivals was put forth as an expectation in John’s day. It is the same today and will rapidly become even more pronounced before Jesus returns.
Read MoreJust as truth and love must not be separated, obedience must not be cut out of our relationship with God. To love Jesus supremely means that we will gladly obey Him.
Read MoreAs the decades wore on, they lost their focus on Him, the Rock upon which they were built. While the adamant determination to guard doctrinal truth was admirable, it would collapse as unsustainable apart from love for the Lord, for that is the only basis upon which we can possess a sincere love for the lost.
Read MoreThe infant church stood firmly against both Docetism and Gnosticism, correctly identifying them as deceptive and heretical.
Read MoreThe job of protecting the church from falsehood began ‘right out of the gate’. They tested certain individuals who claimed to be followers of Christ and found them to be liars. But how? Most certainly by the Word of God!
Read MoreMay you sense His readiness to reveal Himself to the humble seeker of eternal truth. And, most of all, may you develop an unwavering love for your Creator as you grow in the knowledge of His indescribably fierce love for you!
Read MoreWhy do these three elements of time—past, present, and future—matter? It is to give all of God’s people a reference point in the stream of time.
Read MoreThe rest of the words spoken by Jesus in the opening passage are uttered to specifically overrule prevailing Hellenistic thought. Greek philosophy included elements of mythology, rooted in Satan’s initial denial of death’s reality.
Read MoreHis precious words convict hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is the individual’s response to that conviction (compare Acts 2:37 and 7:54) that determines his or her eternal direction.
Read MoreThe LORD’s voice has been described as a still, small voice (1 Kings 19:12) because of His patient and gentle dealings with us. Yet, in the revelation of His glory and splendor, the sheer power in His voice must be made known.
Read MoreHe has the most wonderful way of putting His finger on the very shortcomings that we must ruthlessly put out of our lives. Beloved, if you willingly subject yourself to His gaze, you will see the fire of His love for you.
Read MoreThe high priest’s job was to fill the lamps with oil that they could shine brightly. Jesus gives us His Spirit, symbolized by oil, as we daily turn to Him. He is our daily “fuel” essential for every believer’s light to shine. We have an enemy who works at every turn to divert attention from the Light of Life. Apart from Him we are desolate.
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