“Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent.” Revelation 2:5
The first works were fueled by love for the Savior! The original word that is translated remember is a present imperative that is continuous and ongoing. It should therefore be accepted as a command to keep remembering! This is an advisable mindset for all of life, including marriage, family, and our witness for the Lord. In our fallen world, the enemy works against every good relationship, so we are to proactively work to nurture and grow them.
Just as special dates are important to remember in families and marriage, there is a special day created by our Lord as a perfect gift to His created ones to keep remembering. It is the gift of rest and refreshment with Him, a gift for all mankind. Before sin came into the world, He crowned the gifts of life and marriage with the gift of the Sabbath. Jesus said, “The Sabbath was made for man.” (Mark 2:27a) It is a time of His choosing, meant for the development of relationships and welcome rest with Himself. This day is very important to Him—a time to rekindle love—and, if we love Him, it will be just as important to us.*
Just as truth and love must not be separated, obedience must not be cut out of our relationship with God. To love Jesus supremely means that we will gladly obey Him. With obedience comes a generous supply of love for perishing sinners. Obedience to the first commandment begins with love and deliberately remembering that He is the One with the power to deliver us from the “house of bondage” (Exodus 20:2) We are to be His instruments to help lift others out as well.
We must remember that our first love and the first works go together! To repent literally means to turn around. It is an act of mercy beyond our comprehension that those who should know better—church people who claim to go by the Bible—are given a generous opportunity to repent. A return to God’s word under the leadership of His Holy Spirit delivers an abundant supply of foolproof instructions for life and for success in letting our light shine for Jesus.
How many churches today are not a lampstand and do not even know it? The prophet Isaiah was given a picture of what was happening among God’s people in his day and where it would lead in the time of the end, the time in which we live. After three chapters of describing the dire situation of his day, Isaiah looks down the corridors of time to ours:
And in that day seven women (all of the churches) shall take hold of one man (Jesus), saying, “We will eat our own food (not the Bread of Life) and wear our own apparel (not His robe of righteousness); Only let us be called by your name (Christian) to take away our reproach.” Isaiah 4:1
Beloved, keep remembering the love of the Creator, His perfect sacrifice for your salvation, and the perfect gifts He has given you and continues to bestow upon you even now. Love Him! Thank Him! Be a light in the world!
*Genesis 2:2-3; Exodus 16:4,5,22-30; 20:8-11; Isaiah 56:2,6,7; 58:13-14; 66:23; Ezekiel 20:12,20; 22:26; Matthew 24:20; Mark 16:1; Luke 2:49; 23:56; John 14:15