As world events steadily escalate toward more intense controversy and confrontation, those who follow the Ultimate Overcomer have the assurance of true peace. The peace that the world attempts to offer is artificial and short-lived. In fact, it is a counterfeit peace.
Read More. . . showing how truth has been transmitted through the ages, in spite of the interferences of weakened loyalty, persecution, compromise, distractions, and corruption from within.
Read MoreOn the Day that Jesus returns to gather His people and transport them to heaven, only those who are prepared will be left standing and ready to be received by Him into that victory processional to heaven.
Read MoreThe great clarity with which they will understand their own end will bring to mind the missed opportunities to receive Jesus as Lord. The repeated rejections had hardened their hearts and deafened their ears to His gentle voice.
Read More. . . and as long as we are alive in this world, we are to humbly submit to His authority, allowing Him to transform our character into His own likeness.
Read MoreHe [Jesus] offers His sinless record to those who will, by faith, accept it. Christ is the Preeminent One of all who have died because His death and resurrection form the foundation for salvation itself.
Read MoreThis vitally important message for His people was purposefully hidden from malevolent adversaries who would destroy it. The careful student of God’s word will be rewarded with the unveiling of the meaning behind the symbolic language of Revelation.
Read More. . . . symbolic, explanatory words (terms humans can understand) for the angelic messenger to give to John—all for the purpose of showing [God’s] servants in the church how the last days of the great controversy between Christ and Satan would play out . . . .
Read MoreDivine power, in oneness with a human will who desires to live for God, accomplishes victory over sin. With God, the impossible is indeed possible!
Read MoreNotwithstanding the stumblings and failures of the least of all peoples, God entrusted them with all of the particulars of the plan of salvation, the living oracles, for the benefit of the entire world.
Read MoreFortunately for the people of Malta as well as everyone who had been aboard the sailing vessel, Paul’s focus was on the Lord and how he could best represent Him to those around him.
Read MoreThey [the remnant of God’s people] are firmly grounded in the law of love and liberty (James 2:12) as they endure fiery trials in the final days of this fallen earth’s history.
Read MoreHow often have I been stern when tenderness would have better conveyed the idea of honoring the Lord with obedience? On the other hand, how often have I lacked firmness when someone needed a decisive, guiding hand?
Read MoreYes, the remnant is not only redeemed from among men, but they are also counted as firstfruits: sanctuary language that signifies a bountiful harvest!
Read MoreThe “One World” concept will be elevated and promoted in such a way, both politically and religiously, that not to go along with the plan will seem on par with insanity.
Read MoreNo doubt, the sophistries of Satan have negatively impacted the church’s influence and greatly weakened her message. But God has always had a faithful remnant, and those not deceived will stand unmoved, even as delusions are eloquently promoted.
Read MoreBy far, the most challenging overcoming to be done is that of self. Our faith must be so deeply rooted in the truths of God’s word that the threat of death—even one that involves torture—will not shake our faith.
Read MoreShe is led by the Spirit of God. By grace, she rises to the task afforded her by heavenly citizenship. She is ready. She is organized for service. Those who hear her and accept the heavenly message join in to multiply the best invitation ever!
Read MoreBeloved, let us take vigorous hold of all that the Lord shows us! It is He who enlarges and expands our spiritual vision.
Read MoreDeveloping a taste for the whole truth of God’s word is a process that involves confrontation with a man’s entire way of thinking and operating, often struggling through one concept at a time.
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