The overall trend starting with the church in Ephesus and ending with the church in Laodicea is one of dramatic spiritual decline. But the promises of Jesus given in the letters progressively increase from one church to the next. Beloved, if you ever become discouraged over your spiritual poverty, the wisdom of our loving Commander in Chief is on display for you in the greatness of these promises. These promises to overcomers are accompanied by the grace to overcome every obstacle. Look to Him in faith!

Ephesus, who left [her] first love, is promised the tree of life. Smyrna, severely poverty-stricken and persecuted, is promised the crown of life and escape from the second death. Pergamos, who began to tolerate compromise in the church, is promised hidden manna, a white stone, and a new name. Thyatira, who was told you allow Jezebel…to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality which ushered in a black cloud of spiritual infidelity, ignorance, and idolatry among the masses, is promised authority and rulership over the nations with a rod of iron to dash them to pieces, and the morning star (2:4,7,10,11,17,20,26-28)

Sardis, who failed to break from Thyatira, is promised to walk with Me, be clothed in white, keep his name in the Book of Life, and have his name confessed before My Father, and before His angels. Philadelphia, though small and weak, did not fail to fully lift up the banner of God’s character. She is promised an open door that no one can shut. Her critics will have to publicly acknowledge that I have loved you. She will receive divine protection during the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole earth, and become a pillar in the temple of My God. And, because they were forced out of the various Sardis churches where they had been members, they will go out no more. Jesus adds a triple designation of loving ownership: the name of My God, the city of My God, and My new name (see 19:12) written upon them, who had so often been told that they did not belong… (3:4,5,8-10,12)

Laodicea, who is neither hot nor cold, is given this remarkable promise: To him who overcomes, I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne (3:21). This single promise encompasses all of the others combined.

We have seen that these letters, written to the first century churches, have amazing eschatological applications, sweeping through the stream of time since our Lord walked upon the earth until this very day. The incentives to walk closely with Him are undeniable. It is critical to understand that these letters cannot be separated from the rest of the book of Revelation, for the rest of the book builds upon them. Jesus Christ is revealed as the One with every provision for every need of every person who sincerely desires to follow Him. And this puts a finger directly upon a third application: the sweep of descriptive characteristics in each of these seven letters can also be a description of the life of an individual such as you or me, in our walk with Christ. As the flaws of the church are encountered, along with the problems that come with following Jesus in a fallen world, may each of us resolve not to be deterred by any of them, but instead to receive divine grace with every step, choosing to be in the remnant of the heaven-bound.

For by Thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall. Psalm 18:29 (KJV)

College Drive Church