June 27: WHAT’S IN A NAME?

“And I have declared to them Your name…” John 17:26

Jesus is saying that He came to show—to declare—to the world the true character of our Heavenly Father, so that they (we) could know what He is really like. Throughout the Bible, names are given to symbolize character. When God renamed Jacob, the name that He chose, Israel, means “Prevailer with God”. It communicates in an instant that, because of his close, saving relationship with the LORD, his future is secure. Another understanding of the name Israel is “prince of God”. The royal connotation points to the fact that God is King, and a child of the King is a prince, or a princess. John the Revelator was Holy Spirit inspired to write further that He (Jesus) has made us kings (Revelation 1:6) which, logically carried out, makes Him King of kings (19:16).

The original assignment of God’s chosen people has never changed. It is to spread the gospel of salvation to all nations and cultures. This saving message is not conveyed in words alone, but in the characters, or fruits, of the message bearers. In Isaiah 56:6, the prophet wrote: Also the sons of the foreigner who join themselves to the LORD, to serve Him, and to love the name [character] of the LORD, to be His servants—Everyone who keeps from defiling the Sabbath, and holds fast My covenant— Therefore, a true Israelite is one “who loves the name of the Lord” and knows from experience His true character. He knows how to “prevail with God” in prayer. Indeed, a true Israelite has a close, life-changing relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Since the beginning of Creation, His “bride” is made up of all the faithful in every age until the end, symbolized by the pure woman in white of Revelation 12.

One of Satan’s most masterful last-day deceptions has centered upon directing the world’s attention to the modern state of Israel. But, like the rest of the world, its population is made up of individuals of all religions or no religion at all. People are being saved, regardless of middle-eastern politics. This salvation comes in the convicting power of God’s Holy Spirit and continues in the heart of an individual just as Jacob was saved and given a new name: Through humiliation, repentance, and self-surrender, this sinful, erring mortal prevailed with the Majesty of heaven. Jacob had fastened his trembling grasp upon the promises of God, and the heart of Infinite Love could not turn away the sinner’s plea. (Patriarchs and Prophets by E.G.White, p.197)

Many of the children of Israel similarly fastened their grasp onto the Lord, learning to walk humbly with Him. And this is why the meanings of their names should be taken into account. The Revelation list of tribes carries a message for believers in these last days of earth. It is different from the other lists. Dan and Ephraim are omitted (due to idolatry from which they refused to repent) while Levi and Joseph are included. Also, the order of the names is different from all other lists. If we acknowledge the meanings of their names, we will gain a beautiful expression of the redeemed of every age—right up until the day of Christ’s return.

I will praise the Lord. He has looked on me and given good fortune. Happy am I for my wrestling. God is making me forget. God hears me and is joined to me. He has purchased me a dwelling. God shall add to me the Son of His right hand.

College Drive Church