And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” Revelation 6:10

How precious that the Author of Scripture symbolizes the spilled blood of His faithful ones as a loud voice! Never doubt that He has full knowledge of every cruel and unfair act. We have already been shown that He regards the prayers of His faithful ones as a treasure worth keeping (5:8). It is an important aspect of our prayer life to understand the perfection of His timing alongside the limits of our human desires, no matter how godly. An important part of the ministry of our great High Priest at the altar of incense in the heavenly temple is the priestly work of presenting our prayers to His Father. We are to pray in the name of Jesus; this is not an arbitrary concept! Because we as yet have uncorrected flaws in our human nature, there may be an attitude within a prayer that is off the mark. The Spirit of Christ is still at work in our hearts; yet even now, He takes our prayers as they are and adds “incense”, rendering them a fragrant offering before the Father. It is possible that we sometimes do not know what manner of spirit [we] are of as we prayerfully participate with Him in His work upon the earth (see Luke 9:53-56). Thank Him right now for the refinements of His priestly work on our behalf.

It is certain that no amount of patience we may currently exercise has the greatness of divine patience. But isn’t it natural to look up to Him from whatever situation we are in and cry, “How long, O Lord?” There is nothing inappropriate in asking this question. At least we are looking in the right direction for the solution to all the problems and suffering in our world: toward Him who is holy and true. But doesn’t He also have a perfect right to ask any of us, as He said through Moses: “How long do you refuse to keep My commandments and My laws?” (Exodus 16:28 – see also Psalm 4:2) He certainly does! Invite Him to search your whole heart and ask whatever He will.

And now let us pause to hear the angel’s question posed to another angel, just after Daniel was again shown in vision the terrible events that correlate to the opening of the fourth seal of Revelation 6:7 (see Daniel 8:9-12). “How long will the vision be…?” (v.13) The angel’s question is actually quite similar to, and on behalf of, all who are mistreated or martyred because of their devotion to God. With a heart of infinite compassion, He hears the question. “How long…until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?

Heaven’s answer is forthcoming in the Scriptures, but it is important to understand John’s use of the phrase: those who dwell on the earth. This oft-repeated phrase in the final book of God’s word is a reference to the unconverted. The greatest news ever for the unconverted is that the opportunity for salvation is yet open. Scripture also describes a time when this priceless opportunity is no longer offered. Be aware that one of the most prominent deceptions in Satan’s toolbox is the false notion that there is a “second chance” at salvation after probation closes. Compare it to the ark that Noah built. The animals, Noah, and his family entered the ark of safety. But only God could close the massive door. He closed it a week before the flood waters came. Judgment was done, but the people didn’t believe—or even know! Jesus said:

“For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Matthew 24:38-39

College Drive Church