The thousand-year span of time in the Heavenly Jerusalem will be the crown set atop the six thousand years of woe and death upon the earth.
Read MoreThe end of the thousand years will mark the total and complete end of sin and those who clung to it. At long last, the redeemed of the Lord receive the promised Kingdom.
Read MoreAt the close of the thousand years, the city (with its redeemed inhabitants) settles upon the earth.
Read MoreWith the heightened awareness of new, perfectly healthy bodies and minds, each of the redeemed will undoubtedly have questions regarding specific cases. Every question can and must be answered to the complete satisfaction of the one asking.
Read MoreThis earth, the abode of Satan, becomes a prison for him. With no one alive to deceive, he has a thousand years to observe the results of his lies and deceptive style of government, a government that stands in rebellion against the God of love.
Read MoreJeremiah was given a vision of the condition of the earth just after the return of Jesus, the launching of the millennium.
Read MoreWe have been given a perfect set of instructions, a perfect example for living them out, and a perfect substitutionary blood sacrifice to cover our shortcomings and failures. In addition, we are given . . . .
Read MoreHistory is replete with details of individuals who chose to love and obey the Lord, whose obedience elevated them to positions of leadership that have ushered blessings into the lives of countless people since
Read MoreOur intercessory prayers, words and actions may seem inconsequential, yet we are to act in loving obedience and trust Him for the end result. Never give up! In God’s economy and provision, every good seed has a marvelous potential.
Read MoreThe conflict enters when my will—my own moral standard—is stubbornly kept in place instead of allowing His truth to realign my thoughts and actions.
Read MoreThe Lord is engaged in the operation of our rescue, and the direction of each life is either toward Him or away from Him. That direction manifests itself in influence upon others: for or against.
Read MoreYour undivided loyalty to Him alone allows Him to radiate His drawing power—for the eternal sake of others—toward Himself.
Read MoreJesus knows exactly what it is to stand before a holy and righteous Judge as a sinner without an intercessor. Yet, even as He suffered for our sin, He interceded for us.
Read MoreOur sanctification involves a series of “forks in the road” whereby opportunities to make righteous choices will develop in us a character of holiness.
Read MoreJust as our physical eyes receive light, our spiritual eyes have been provided that we might “see” the One who made everything.
Read MorePieces are coming together the world over for the largest scale apostasy in history. As this ecumenical movement makes headway, Jesus is being betrayed with “a kiss”—just as Judas, known as a close insider, betrayed Him.
Read MoreJesus had been resurrected and ascended into heaven. He was—and is—beyond the reach of Satan’s harm . . . or is He? His own words reveal that harm to His people is persecution to Himself.
Read MoreGod’s gentle pursuit of His children necessarily develops into a full-blown crisis if they (we) live in rebellion.
Read MoreThe unholy union between apostate religion and the governmental powers of earth will be repeated on a worldwide scale. It will be portrayed in the news as a good thing, but in reality it will be ‘Babylon on steroids.’
Read MoreThe metaphor of “new wine” (what we call grape juice) represents the doctrines as they were originally intended. Fresh, pure, uncorrupted.
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