The love and mercy of God are never ending. But He makes it clear that there is a limit to His tolerance of sin. He is deeply offended by sin yet exercises incredible patience—divine restraint—in order to lead the objects of His great love into harmony with His eternal principles.
Read MoreJesus stands ready to move heaven and earth on behalf of a willing heart! Such a heart is tender and malleable. With Him, His bride will continue to propagate this long-standing invitation to the weary world . . . .
Read MoreGod’s faithful church is likened to a beautiful woman, His bride. Against all odds, God has had a faithful people in every age and stage of this earth’s history.
Read MoreIt was the cross, that instrument of shame and torture, which brought hope and salvation to the world. The disciples were but humble men, without wealth, and with no weapon but the word of God; yet in Christ’s strength they went forth to tell the wonderful story of the manger and the cross….
Read More….the divine power that attended Stephen’s preaching had effectively brought many more Jews to Christ, but these assembled leaders were only angered as their former followers moved their loyalty to Jesus.
Read MoreFortunately, there were at least some Jews who did indeed recognize Jesus as the long-anticipated Messiah! They became carriers of the Gospel to still others, both Jew and Gentile. Paul admonished his believing Hebrew brethren not to be lured away from the pure and simple message of salvation in Jesus.
Read MoreBaby Jesus would grow up to lay down His life as the ultimate and complete sin offering for us, beloved. He was the spotless, sinless, Lamb of God.
Read MoreOur Redeemer indeed came at exactly the right time, in the fullness of time; the time chosen by God and foretold by the prophets of old.
Read MoreGetting alone with Him is key. Be still. Listen to what He is saying in His word. It is most definitely in contrast with what the world is saying.
Read MoreUnderstanding the nearness of our God to us at all times, especially in trying times, is essential for all aspects of health—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual as well as for our continued metamorphosis toward fitness for heaven.
Read MoreWhen Jesus was born as a baby, His professed people were not prepared: a cautionary tale for today. It is the solemn responsibility of believers to humbly set the record straight—according to the written Word—in order to show the real Jesus to the world.
Read MoreIt has been Satan’s self-appointed mission to implant falsehood so deeply that we cannot recognize truth when we are faced with it.
Read MoreThe second death is the permanent death from which there is no resurrection. But it could not hold Jesus permanently due to His own sinless record. This sinless record is the robe of righteousness, The Gift, offered to each of us.
Read MoreOur sworn enemy wants us to believe that we are saved while we deliberately disobey the word of the Lord. But the Spirit of God is able to cleanse and re-create your character and mine as He originally intended: His unmarred image in us!
Read MoreAcceptance of the world’s false messages sometimes have a fleeting element of gratification in the here and now. But a faith built on this experience easily crumbles when the storms of life blow in. This is the classic formula which leads an individual to spiritual shipwreck.
Read MoreThe vastness of creation is beyond our comprehension, as is the depth of God’s love. Yet each serves as a testimony to the other.
Read MoreOur Redeemer came into the world to “lay hold” of each of us by the power of His love. His first role, from our perspective, is Creator, for creating is an outflowing expression of His love!
Read MoreAnd suddenly there came a quickening that closed the long-standing gap between him and the Lord. The man fell on his knees in the snow and, with a heart full of gratitude, thanked the God of Heaven for sending His Son into this world.
Read MoreThe operation is complicated, but the Great Physician assumes the role of Surgeon. He puts His finger directly where change is needed. I must give permission for Him to operate.
Read MoreWhen I committed myself to the Lord, accepting His merciful and very costly provision of forgiveness, I entered into a betrothal with Him! This “betrothal” is a lifelong walk with Him in the light of His counsel, His whole counsel.
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