Gabriel, under God’s authority, brought this disciplinary action to Zacharias, who had allowed doubt to enter his mind. It was a hardship, to be sure, but one that built up his faith!
Read MoreIt is time to wake up and joyfully herald the second advent of the Lord! There are many in “high places” who do not want this message, but that only fortifies the urgency to preach the everlasting gospel boldly.
Read MoreThe movements of the stars in the vast circuit of their appointed path have been compared to the purposes of God: there is no such thing as haste or delay. Our perception of time must yield in faith to the reality of the Lord’s timing in all things.
Read MoreThe shepherds, lowly and despised, were simply caring for their sheep when the magnificent heavenly messenger arrived. How precious that they were chosen to hear the news of the divine birth first! Their job is rich with symbolism of the Savior’s activities on our behalf. They joyfully received the glad tidings.
Read MoreI must be wary of listening to my own voice! The moment I begin to debate with God over a point that He is making with me, I am in critical danger of aligning with Satan’s will.
Read MoreWe can be certain that Daniel was grateful for this up-close evidence of God at work on his behalf and that of his three friends. We know now that it was not only for these faithful young men, but for the salvation of the world!
Read MoreDuring His earthly ministry, Jesus pointed His followers back to the book of Daniel in preparation for the end-times. The subject of worship is the key focus. The second advent of Jesus will be preceded by ample opportunity for everyone to make an informed decision regarding whom they will worship and obey.
Read MoreThere is a union of justice and mercy in the Plan of human redemption. Christ—the anointed Lamb of God—stooped to lift multitudes from the pit of ruin where Satan led all people to break the Law of God.
Read MoreThe ark was a representation of God’s throne in heaven. Though the earthly place of safekeeping for the written Testimony of God was the first furnishing mentioned in His building instructions, it is the last to be restored in the course of the Reformation.
Read More[Calvin and Knox] taught of the special place in the heart of every true Christian for intercessory prayer. This special burden for prayer was made manifest in their writing and preaching. To be Christlike was to own an attitude of earnest, ongoing prayer for the salvation of others.
Read MoreThus, the beauty, glory, and freedom symbolized by the golden lampstand, illuminated by the oil of the Holy Spirit, and the bronze laver of washing were being established in the minds of those who sought instruction from the Word of God.
Read MoreThus, we begin to see in Reformation history the work of God in calling His people to restore the joyful message of free salvation to the world, as symbolized in the sanctuary, where God’s thorough and complete way of dealing with sin is vividly illustrated.
Read MoreWe are all in the process of becoming something. But what? Being yielded to Jesus allows Him to lead us away from the old man of sin (Romans 6:6) and toward His likeness. A new trajectory is set! Transformation into His likeness is a lifetime pursuit.
Read MoreThose who choose to live in obedience to God’s instructions, despite what the world is telling us to do, are particularly irritating to the enemy. In fact, he is enraged by them! How do we know if something we are told to do is from God or emissaries of the devil?
Read MoreHis many names in the Bible are synonymous with His character. And He stands ready to guide our character development into His likeness if only we will allow Him to do it!
Read More[The Scriptures] are meant to awaken our God-given senses to a growing discernment of the stark contrast between good and evil, as well as the powers behind each. Satan, on the other hand, is constantly at work to blur the distinction and totally confuse the undiscerning between the two.
Read MoreWhat we allow into our bodies and minds, has an impact: for good or for evil. Weakened bodies and dulled minds are desensitized to discern the difference between a deep, abiding relationship with God and a shallow, nominal relationship.
Read MoreIn Christ, we grow more closely bound to our heavenly Father than if we had never fallen. In taking upon Himself human nature, Jesus has bound Himself to the human race with cords that will never be broken.
Read MoreThe heavenly sanctuary was long ago targeted for obscurity by the devil, working through the little horn power, just as the prophet Daniel foresaw.
Read MoreWe are to hide the treasures of His word in our hearts. When we do this, we are encouraged, corrected, instructed, and strengthened to live for Him instead of our own self-centered tendencies.
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