The antichrist power went through a counterfeit death and resurrection, mimicking the death and resurrection of Christ.
Read MoreWhile Jesus walked the earth, there were many who sensed their need of Him, and they longed to cleanse [their] way. They saw a depth of kindness in those eyes and felt a peace that is the deepest longing of every heart. There were still others who avoided Him . . .
Read MoreGod’s word has a conquering power to drive out all of those things that have no place in my thinking, my affections, my appetite, and the direction I pursue. If I identify as a child of the King, then I must allow what He says to shape and guide my responses to the ongoing barrage of tests with which I am confronted.
Read MoreSin and error cause division in the body of Christ. Some are content to have the body of Christ divided – or to have “half of Jesus” while the other half takes part in ungodliness. But salvation doesn’t work like that. Either you have the Son or you do not have the Son. Jesus will not be a “roommate” with the father of lies.
Read MoreThe two women—both claiming that the living son belongs to them—represent two types of characters within the house of God: the true and the false. And the baby is Jesus. In God’s household, there are those who only claim to have Jesus, and there are those who really have Him.
Read MoreKing Solomon’s request for an understanding heart was graciously answered by the LORD with the gift of a wise and understanding heart plus a generous list of other blessings, above and beyond what was asked! Solomon was soon confronted with an intriguing test of the wisdom he had been given.
Read MoreThis world, under the dark influence of Satan, is constantly being deceived by evil that is marketed and presented in “packages” that are made to look good . . . even “holy.”
Read MoreWhatever your situation is, know for a fact that there is no task too mundane and no job so lowly that it could fall outside of the reach and care of our Heavenly Father.
Read MoreWhen John the Baptist came in the way of righteousness, he called out sin, for his job as forerunner to the coming King required it. A forerunner was to clear the road of obstacles ahead of a king’s arrival. The hearers, as free human agents, are invited to respond. Should we not teach of the freedom to co-operate with God?
Read MoreIn extending love to our fellow man, there is the constant risk of rejection. It is in holding fast to love for God, and holding fast to the proof of His love for us, that we can persevere in the face of rejection.
Read MoreAdmittedly, the message is a confrontational one. But it is only in being confronted by the unshakable and pure love in God’s salvation message that my sinful human nature will be instructed.
Read MoreAs newly freed slaves, we are in need of and should accept the gifts of understanding offered by the Lord through His sanctuary model and the use of distinct sanctuary language. Through it, we have opportunity to increase our cooperation with Him as He leads each of us to grow in understanding of how He saves the lost and how He leads the church.
Read MoreAnyone engaging in the practices of spiritualism is in communion with demons. Those who are building their faith upon God’s Word will neither take part nor be deceived by any such manifestation. But the unsuspecting who participate in occultism are enchanted and ensnared by delusions.
Read MoreIf I allow the Lord to carry out the sanctification process in me (for only He can do the work, but I must let Him in to do it!), I will realize that He desires to make me fit to behold Him in His full, unveiled glory.
Read MoreThe true nature of repentance is elusive to so many! Regret for the results of sin is distinctly different from deep sorrow for the sin itself. The individual who only laments the suffering rather than the cause of suffering, namely sin, is not yielded to the Spirit of God.
Read MoreThe testing of our faith and loyalty is for our benefit! God knows exactly where we are, but too often we will not realize our own waywardness unless we are shown. How tenderly, yet powerfully He identifies with us, even at our lowest points.
Read MoreThe betrothed of God in the Old Testament is the bride of Christ in the New. Throughout time, she is clothed in the light of Christ. She is radiant . . .
Read MoreGod’s spirit will not strive with man endlessly. His faithful ones are the ones who, by making distinctions based on God’s Word, are enabled to recognize and call out the misrepresentations of Jesus that Satan is putting forth in the world.
Read MoreIn sending Jesus on the mission to earth, God demonstrated that He is 100% merciful AND 100% just. And it is in sending His Holy Spirit that He continues to fulfill the role of the Good Shepherd while securing His own inheritance.
Read MoreThose who choose Christ become targets for the adversary. You have “switched sides”, and he does not like it one bit. One of his subtle, anti-Christian tactics is perpetuating the “once saved, always saved” philosophy. But the Bible does not teach that once someone is saved, he or she loses the freedom to be lost. This is why Jesus instructs with us to abide in Him.
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