One of many proofs that God’s Word is not propaganda is the inclusion of unflattering facts. The weaknesses and failings of God’s chosen leaders are quite prominent. The dark influence of Satan notwithstanding, we repeatedly see God’s power of love at work: forgiveness and restoration, accompanied by His loving guidance toward the light.
Read MoreWhen Jesus suffered and died on the cross, the whole universe was watching. His victorious resurrection is not only a standing reminder that with God, it is possible to overcome sin and death, but it is also a standing rebuke to Satan, who, even though he got what he wanted when those under his influence tortured and killed Jesus, his sense of victory was thoroughly shaken when Jesus arose from the tomb.
Read MoreIn the process of restoring our characters to His image and likeness, it rests with each of us to co-operate with the agencies of Heaven. To procrastinate or neglect my part in the rescue operation from sin is a deliberate placement of my soul into great peril.
Read MoreAt both events (creation and redemption), the word finished is prominent. God rested on the seventh day (stated three times for emphasis) following completion of creation. Jesus rested in the tomb on the Sabbath following His payment of our death penalty.
Read MoreThe relationship of Jesus with His heavenly Father is a wonderful example of prayer for each of us as we encounter the trials and tribulations of living in a fallen world. He overcame them all on our behalf. Yes, He allows our faith to be tested. It is only through a close relationship with the Prince of Peace that difficulties become divine opportunities to elevate our mundane paradigm to a heavenly one.
Read MoreThe exercise of our will to look to Jesus, trusting Him for every need, is a discipline that can and should become as natural as breathing. Look to Him in faith…and live!
Read MoreToday, there is a massive, worldwide ecumenical movement—to unite all denominations of Christianity and also non-Christian religions into a single, “one-world” organization…
Read MoreNever was it God’s plan for the church to withhold His word from the people; nor that His people be fragmented into so many opposing groups. This has done horrendous damage to the cause Christ among professed believers and also to our witness for Him before unbelievers.
Read MoreThe wheat and tares often appear deceptively similar. But, beloved, the difference between them is the difference between life and death!
Read MoreEndeavoring to pen a description of even the smallest pocket of suffering would leave most writers paralyzed in anguish. Yet the Creator feels it all.
Read MoreThe distinctive interlude between the sixth and seventh trumpets helps prepare us for the magnitude of the seventh—and last!—trumpet. John’s visions in chapters 10 and 11 vividly illustrate the inherent privilege of the Lord’s invitation to feed on His word, witness to others, and overcome discouraging opposition.
Read MoreThe French Revolution unwittingly instigated a worldwide interest in the Bible. Vibrant pockets of revival sprang up on nearly every continent.
Read MoreBeloved, be thankful for God’s way of wiring our brains with a sensitive conscience. It is the enemy’s plan to sear our consciences, and he accomplishes much of this in our day through conditioning…
Read MoreGod’s people today are to be in earnest, daily preparation for the ministering of His Word on the earth, as they (we) minister daily!
Read MoreThere is a powerful dimension in a plurality of witnesses. As I read the Bible, the Holy Spirit testifies to my spirit that His word is true and reliable. The Holy Spirit is often symbolized as fire! Beloved, pray that the fire of the Spirit of God will “kill” anything in your life that doesn’t belong in the life of a true witness of Jesus.
Read MoreThose who reject the gospel are referred to in Revelation seven times as those who dwell on the earth. Our gracious God is at work to help them lift their gaze toward Heaven (in contrast to dwelling on earthly, temporary things) in order to save as many as are willing to be saved.
Read MoreThe Day of Atonement was the most solemn day of the year for the Jews. This evaluation determined who would live and who would die. The Day of Atonement ultimately represents the final judgement.
Read MoreJesus knows that obedience to His Word in a fallen world brings bitter opposition. He faithfully encourages each of us to develop a vision for our eternal future. The horrendous opposition that He patiently endured during His ministry was overshadowed by the joy set before Him.
Read MoreBy creating people on earth, God is making a display of the difference between two forms of government. Satan’s government consists of disregard for God and His governing principles. God’s government is founded on love, and He leaves the choice up to each individual to follow His principles.
Read MoreThe use of the number seven indicates the fullness and totality of His divine plan. For John, it wasn’t only thundering sounds; he obviously understood what was being expressed and was ready to write it down. He was, however instructed not to write that part of the message. This seems quite strange. . .
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