The Lord is divinely able to deal with His people corporately and individually in every season and age. In these last days of earth’s history, there is an “all-hands-on-deck!” urgency, and we are called to actively engage with the divine purposes of the Author of Salvation for the refinement of our own character to more effectively influence others to accept the divine invitation.
Read MoreI must learn to choose to remain under the divine protection of Almighty God. The bitter consequence of removing myself from His protection is itself the chastisement that should send me running back toward Him!
Read MoreThroughout earth’s history, God has never left the objects of His love without a witness. It is no different in the end times. Those who take a stand for truth, while smaller in number than the “army” of the enemy, will have an impact, not of their own power, but in the power of the Holy Spirit, through the preaching of His mighty Word.
Read MoreThe military metaphor army actually points to spiritual warfare. This is a battle for the hearts and minds of humanity—all of humanity—whom God loves. Any individual who maintains a hold on deceptions is unwittingly volunteering in the “army” of him who desires to take the place of Christ.
Read MoreGod remembers our prayers and pleas. Here we are shown an advance in divine response to the cries of His oppressed people. The heavenly voice commands the sixth angel:
Read MoreThe secular-minded individual experienced alienation from God, from others, and even from themselves. Meaninglessness and despair inevitably crowds hope from the heart.
Read MoreThe love of God is behind all of His words, and that includes His words of warning. Without exception, stern words of warning are put there for redemptive purposes.
Read MoreThree of the ten divisions of the fallen Roman Empire tried to stand in opposition to this abusive use of religious and political power by the bishop of Rome. But as foretold, they were obliterated. Daniel described the demise of these three nations . . .
Read MoreJeremiah tells us that when the people of Israel, who knew better, turned away from God’s covenant, they were allowed—under the sovereignty of God—to consume poisonous and deadly false teachings and human traditions.
Read MoreThe two nations involved in putting Jesus to death and persecuting the early church are addressed in the first two trumpets. Satan was behind both sides in his attempt to prevent the gospel plan of salvation from spreading to the world.
Read MoreThe opening of the seventh seal is the springboard from which we move into the sounding of the seven trumpets. Trumpets are used to herald the approach of the LORD. The seventh seal corresponds with the letter to Laodicea, the last-day church on earth. The name Laodicea means Judgement of the People.
Read MoreAt the time that Jesus walked the earth, those who had the most access to the words of Scripture were, generally speaking, the very ones who refused to acknowledge Him.
Read MoreThe Lord knows that His bride, the church, is in a precarious position among His enemies in the world. He reminds her of His regard for her safety.
Read MoreIt should not surprise us that the pride and presumption that corrupted the nation of Israel before Jesus was born is still at work today among God’s professed people. It is the same pattern, regardless of the era.
Read MoreHave you been chastened by the Lord? What will you answer when you are corrected? Do you perceive His mercy as severe? A severe mercy that brings a sinner to repentance is an inexplicably wonderful gift! Pray to be willing to accept corrections.
Read MoreThose who dread seeing Him will attempt to hide from Him … reminiscent of Adam and Eve hiding from Him who had been their Friend before. Their Friend had not changed, but they had.
Read MoreGod, in His forbearance, deals with sinful man methodically and with a deliberate “slowness” in order to provide opportunity for conversion. Oh yes, He promises to take vengeance on those who harm His people, but remember that there are those who did indeed cause much harm to God’s people who famously “switched sides.”
Read MoreThese beneficiaries of the excellent work of the Protestant Reformers made the mistake of driving their denominational stakes into the ground in the name of a man (whoever their favorite reformer was), effectively bringing spiritual growth to a halt. They leapt onto the path of learning only to squander the additional opportunity to grow in grace and truth.
Read MoreIf apparent contradictions arise in Scripture, the true student of God’s Word will regard them as invitations to go deeper.
Read MoreThe last three seals are very different from the first four. While the horsemen of the first four seals exclusively concern God’s people, the remaining three seals describe judgements that are to fall upon those who oppress God’s people.
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