Occultism is a major aspect of spiritualism which promotes the false doctrine that everyone possesses an immortal soul. This doctrine is based on the devil’s lie to Eve (Genesis 3:4) and is repeatedly refuted in Scripture, starting with 2:17. Eternal life is a GIFT for the obedient (Hebrews 5:9), not an inherent quality of created beings.
Read MoreThis very different woman has amassed an enormous congregation of followers in the world. She is the false church attempting to counterfeit the true one.
Read MoreThe juice of the grape has become a symbol for doctrine. Fresh from the hand of God, new wine is uplifting. It is the joy and delight of His hearers who seek to follow Him. But Satan has worked through people—whether unwittingly or not—to corrupt the good things of God meant to be set apart as holy for the salvation of mankind.
Read MoreFortunately, God’s word richly supplies His people with all that they need to distinguish between the great harlot and the true bride of Christ. In addition, His word builds up His people, conditioning their hearts to embrace truth while opening their eyes to that which is false.
Read MoreIn spite of all the opportunities to be saved, they are demonstrating their thoroughly corrupted character before the watching universe. At the core of their rebellion against their Maker is an attitude devoid of appreciation of His character. The very fact of creation is an extension of His amazing love.
Read MoreWherever there is a void of the Holy Spirit’s leadership, Satan stands ready to fill the vacuum.
Read MoreToday, He is encouraging His church to overcome a state of lukewarmness with which He is not at all pleased. This can happen one-by-one as individuals fall into step with the Holy Spirit. The choice is up to each of us.
Read MoreGod alone is in His temple as the final plagues commence and progress. We must remember that our God is relational. It is indescribably painful for Him to follow through with the punishment that perfect justice demands, yet He must bring an end to sin itself and those who cling to it.
Read MoreIn the great war for the minds, hearts, and allegiance of people that has been raging between Christ and Satan, those who have not chosen to be built up in Christ as His dwelling place, become subject — by default . . .
Read MoreIf anyone thinks he is robed in the righteousness of Christ, yet rejects any part of what He has for us in His word, his or her “robe” is nonexistent.
Read MoreIt will be a well-written, eloquently presented political plan highlighting the urgent need for improving the world’s ecology and economy. People will believe that they are uniting for “a good cause.”
Read More. . . seen by millions. What they say will contradict sound Biblical teachings. This will serve to reinforce false doctrines, especially about death and the purpose of judgment.
Read MoreCyrus is the only pagan king ever cited as a “type” of Christ. Isaiah predicted that God would raise him up as a deliverer of God’s people at the end of the Babylonian captivity. This is an illustration of the great Deliverance that lies just ahead.
Read MoreThe back-to-back contrast of the fourth and fifth plagues (intensified, scorching heat of the sun followed by a frightening, supernatural darkness) points to the character-destroying imbalance that is created when people choose to ignore all or part of Scripture rather than seeking the counsel of God in its fullness.
Read MoreIn making such statements about Himself, Jesus was absolutely correct, though He was accused of blasphemy by the religious leaders.
Read MoreYet, even if they could repent, all who have accepted the mark of the beast will not. Instead, they will dig in their heels in siding with the beast, until they realize that they have been duped.
Read MoreIn the last seventeen centuries, our enemy has perpetrated a hoax upon the world in regard to the fourth commandment: altering it from the day that the Creator blessed. No Bible-believing follower of Christ should be surprised by this, yet it seems to have caught nearly everyone by surprise!
Read MoreThe Holy Spirit spoke through King David, showing the world that it is possible to have a right understanding of our Creator, the Lawgiver and Judge, even in our current state of fallenness.
Read MoreWhile claiming to be spiritual, it attaches itself to a non-spiritual entity—a political power—for the enforcement of its dogmas.
Read MoreThe human perspective on time typically regards the present as a razor-thin edge of a vast eternity in either direction. But, if we can learn to trust God, we will benefit from His certain knowledge of all time.
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