The tragedy for those who accept the beast’s mark after being enlightened lies in their preference for exalting man’s ideas (inspired by Satan) that contradict the divine inspiration of God’s word.
Read MoreAs last-day deceptions intensify, it is more imperative than ever before in history to exercise and strengthen spiritual “muscle” through Bible study, prayer, and witnessing. Satan knows that his time is getting shorter by the minute.
Read MoreThe first plague to be poured out upon the earth is one that is highly visible. There is also a foul odor in connection to this affliction. It is reminiscent of the sixth plague that fell upon the Egyptians…
Read MoreThe entire purpose of the marking, either with the seal of God or the mark of the beast, is for the protection of those who are sealed.
Read MoreIt is an understatement to say that the sight of God’s unveiled glory is overwhelming to sinful humans. It would be more accurate to say that it is deadly. Yet He is preparing us even now to witness that glory for ourselves and live – forever!
Read MoreIs it possible to even begin to describe the graciousness He possesses in desiring to secure everlasting life for His people? The gift of eternal life is far beyond the best that we can imagine! The joys of it will never get old. His people will never get old.
Read MoreThe highest court in the universe has carefully, meticulously, and flawlessly deliberated. Not a single detail will be overlooked or misunderstood.
Read MoreGod’s temple on earth is YOU! His work in the Day of Atonement includes the cleansing of your temple, both mind and body. He is tenderly writing His Testimony with His finger upon your heart. He is at work to restore you according to the perfect standard of His law of love.
Read MoreIn God’s kingdom there will be saved people from every group, every tribe, every language. And before the execution of the final judgment, there will even be a moment when all of the lost will bow the knee in agreement that God is just and fair.
Read MoreLike the children of Israel, God’s last-day church will live through the plagues that are to fall upon the world’s wicked. Probation will close (see John 9:4 and Revelation 22:11), and there will be a worldwide display of the difference between those who obey God and those who do not.
Read MoreThe placement of this verse—just after we are shown the angels who are poised to pour out the final plagues—is for the purpose of a side-by-side comparison. Its very placement in Scripture is an invitation for all prodigals to get over their love for the things of this world, placing unreserved trust in their loving and victorious Commander in Chief!
Read MoreAn important distinction must be made between the “bowl plagues” which are yet to come, and the “trumpet plagues” which have come upon the earth mingled with mercy.
Read MoreThe humble one who bows before God in holy, reverent fear is enabled to stand before man, regardless of all threats, even the threat of death.
Read MoreThe grapes that are gathered in the grape harvest are symbolically crushed and trodden underfoot as a fit recompense for trampling upon the message of salvation. God’s perfect plan for dealing with the sin problem should be gratefully received by every sinner.
Read MoreBecause of the unfathomable love expressed in the sacrifice of the Son of God, the guidance of His Holy Spirit, the longsuffering mercy of the Father, the written Word, the ready availability of grace, and the aid of angels, the expectation of the Lord is perfectly reasonable. The repentant sinner who humbles himself has all these advantages and more…
Read MoreIt must be noted that the standard of judgment is the very same for both sides. In the simplicity of His unchanging standard, as laid out in the Ten Commandments, God has revealed His love and His desire for the happiness and joy of all.
Read MoreThe last-day church, which is a holy jurisdiction of forgiveness and reformation, is to reach out and welcome – with the pure doctrines of heaven – all who seek a place of refuge.
Read MoreThe goal of every Christian must be to become so settled in the truth that no amount of persuasion from friends, family, church leaders, religious institutions, or political institutions could cause you to be moved away from the truth of God’s word.
Read MoreThis same word, stephanos, was also used for the crown of thorns pressed into His brow at His crucifixion. Though Satan saw the scene that day as a victory for himself, it was in reality the sure sounding of his death knell. The true victory at the cross was won by Christ on behalf of His followers.
Read MoreMany who shared the message of the three angels have gone to their graves, joyful for having received the everlasting gospel, but also with sadness due to its rejection by friends and loved ones.
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