And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. Revelation 16:13
The reality of our mighty and wonderful “God in Three Persons” is counterfeited by Satan. Because of the loss of support for the beast power, a concerted effort to prop up the charade is made by the unholy trinity. For many, it will renew their belief in the great deception that we can save ourselves and our planet if we will only unify in following the plan. Even now, there are well-meaning and sincere groups with organized efforts and much printed material encouraging people to participate in “saving Sunday.”
Let’s consider for a moment the literal plague of frogs that came upon the Egyptians (Exodus 8:1-15). One of the oldest Egyptian cults was the worship of frog gods and goddesses. They were credited with playing a central role in the creation of the world. When the Nile River [brought] forth frogs abundantly (v.3) they entered every room of each house, even occupying pots, the oven, and the bed. Although frogs will not kill you, they can certainly have an adverse effect upon every attempted activity of the day and night (see Revelation 14:11).
The simile of unclean spirits like frogs represents the reaction of the unholy trinity to the fact that masses of people are beginning to see the fraudulent nature of the world’s leadership and are disgusted. Out of the mouth of the dragon will come orders for the demons. It is possible that they will be ordered to impersonate dead saints and loved ones who will be seen by millions. What they say will contradict sound Biblical teachings. This will serve to reinforce false doctrines, especially about death and the purpose of judgment. Out of the mouth of the beast (that is, papal leadership) will flow winsome statements encouraging people to “keep the faith” and “stick with the plan” – but whose faith and whose plan? Out of the mouth of the false prophet (that is, apostate Protestantism speaking as a false “holy spirit”) will flow every possible “reason” to uphold the plan, including strict enforcement (as illustrated in Daniel 3:6,11,19-20; 6:5, and foretold in Revelation 13:15). Between the supernatural manifestations of Satan’s horde of demons, the persuasive words of the pope, and the false prophet’s status as a spokesman for God (plus the threat of enforcement via raw power), the enthusiasm of many will be rekindled. These unclean spirits like frogs will indeed invade “every room in the house,” so to speak.
Before you dismiss this scenario as “too far-fetched”, bear in mind that all of the world’s pagan religions such as Bahai, Buddhism, Cao Dai, Hinduism, Islam, Shintoism, Sikhism, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism share a common belief in the inherent immortality of the soul. Incredibly, the two largest bodies of the Christian faith—Catholicism and apostate Protestantism—have fallen prey to the very same false precept. The belief that dead people are alive is very dangerous because it opens the door to a host of deceptions that include interacting with demons and swallowing even more of Satan’s lies about God’s character, His law, the truth of His word, and the salvation that He offers.
The Bible teaches the reality of death and its direct connection to sin. Mankind does not possess an inherently immortal soul. The breath of life is a gift from God, and it can be taken away. Souls are subject to death. Christ came to pay our sin-debt and to lead [us] in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake (Psalm 23:3). He wants to restore His image in each of us. This is a gift, and it is up to each individual to accept it. There is nothing lacking in His plan of salvation and throughout Scripture we are shown the necessity of our cooperation with the process of restoration: He restores my soul! What an amazing gift!
The soul who sins shall die. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Ezekiel 18:4b; Romans 6:23