October 5: THE MARK OF THE BEAST (part 1)

Jesus can convert me from a worldling into a citizen of heaven. This is the very definition of salvation, and He is the only Savior. His grace is the empowerment to overcome unbiblical conditioning of this fallen world—even long-term conditioning. He treasures our obedience to Him, for only genuine love for Him can fuel obedience.

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College Drive Church

Revelation 13 strongly suggests that the sea beast’s medieval authority will survive its mortal wound and exercise a revival of that same authority through the sheer power and strength of the earth beast which has become like it—an image of it . . .

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College Drive Church
September 29: THE SECOND ALLY INTRODUCED (part 1)

The “American Experiment” was the founding of a nation upon the two governing principles of civil and religious liberty. These two tenets, established in our country’s founding documents (the Constitution and the Bill of Rights), were designed to preserve the inalienable rights of individuals.

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College Drive Church

Daniel’s vision of the fourth beast’s final end leaves no room for doubt as to the coming judgment of God. But that does not mean that everyone born into or associated with it is doomed. In fact, it means the very opposite if taken as a loving warning.

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College Drive Church

Today’s opening verse makes it abundantly clear that before Jesus returns, only two groups will exist in the world. Worship is the central issue. The activity of the sea beast will continue to capitalize in rallying people together for the stated purpose of saving the world, and he will receive enormous support as earth’s history draws to a close.

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College Drive Church
September 25: RIVAL GOSPEL

Thus, we see that the sea beast offers a rival gospel. Serious students of God’s word know that the adversary made an early entrance into the church, promoting teachings that conflict with sound Biblical doctrine.

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College Drive Church
September 20: IN BABYLON

John was living in the days of Rome’s dominion, so his description of the beast that represents it goes in reverse order. John is looking back over centuries as this beast was developing under the power of the dragon.

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College Drive Church

If we add up the heads mentioned here, there are a total of seven. Considering the philosophies that trickled down, Rome is described as a composite of the previous mindsets: Babylonian, Medo-Persian, and Greek philosophies that included mythology. History shows that, with each dominant empire, the policies became more brutal and less refined.

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College Drive Church
September 16: TO MAKE WAR (part 1)

Last-day events are therefore Satan’s final attempt to destroy Christ’s followers and prevent the accomplishment of His purpose in the world. Still, every individual is in possession of the power to choose sides. In the final battle of the great controversy between Christ and Satan, the woman is on the front line.

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College Drive Church