And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. Revelation 13:3

John continues to pen identifying details of the sea beast. One of those seven heads is seen as slain unto death. The words as if are sometimes translated seemed. It seemed to have a mortal wound. When Napoleon’s General Berthier forcibly removed Pope Pius VI from the Vatican and placed him in exile in 1798, the world perceived it as death to the papacy. The exiled pope died shortly thereafter in Valence, France which only confirmed the growing perception that the papacy was no more. The portrayal of one of the beast’s heads as slain sounds like the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (13:8). It is a deception meant to liken the papacy to Christ. Look a few verses ahead and notice the progression from the single mention of one of his heads to two mentions of the beast itself who was brought back to life after supposedly being killed (13:12 & 14).

Ever since 1798, the “mortal wound” of the papacy has been on the mend. In 1929, through the Lateran Treaty signed by Benito Mussolini, the Vatican became a sovereign city-state ruled by the pope. As the healing of the wounded papacy continues, countries from all over the world send delegates to the Vatican for supreme advice and guidance, as well as to curry favor in light of the pope’s growing political power. In 2015, a joint session of the United States Congress hosted Pope Francis for an address to our nation’s leaders. While here, he canonized an 18th century Spanish missionary, Junipero Serra, and pronounced a blessing upon the statue of him in Statuary Hall.

As John looked through the corridors of time, he saw three distinct situations: the mortal wound, the healing of it, and the world’s adoration. But the healing is not yet complete. Once it is, a renewed adoration of the papacy will sweep the world like never before. This enthusiasm will undergird the pope’s plan for worldwide unity. This plan will have ecology and economy at the forefront, citing worldwide peace and blessings as the result.

Earlier we found two identifying traits of the remnant of [the woman’s] seed (see 12:17). But we also want to be certain of the identity of the world system through which the dragon is waging war against her. Today’s verse points to an interesting phenomenon occurring under the leadership of the dragon: in 1798, one branch of his followers (atheism) came against another branch (the sea beast) and dealt a harsh blow. This brings to mind the words of Jesus when He said: “If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?” (Matthew 12:26) The short answer is: it won’t!

We are well on the way to learning about the first ally of the dragon, whose plan is to create a deceptive likeness to Christ. More identifiers are ahead. Let us study together prayerfully and in great humility. Before the heavenly throne of the real Christ, we must acknowledge that:

All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6

College Drive Church