And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the [first] beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. Revelation 13:14

Remember that the phrase those who dwell on the earth is peculiar to Revelation and refers to the lost. There are expressions for the saved in other parts of Scripture that set them apart from those who dwell on the earth. They are described as having citizenship in heaven (Philippians 3:20), seated together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6), and members of the household of God (v.19). None of these descriptions apply to those who dwell on the earth.

The goal of those with heavenly citizenship is to show those who dwell on the earth how to become undeceived, how to be saved, and how to grow in the knowledge of Christ. The real enemy is Satan. We need to remember that enmity with him was placed there by God (Genesis 3:15). This enmity is a gift that, by God’s grace, awakens us to his subtle and deceptive tactics. Our enemy portrays himself as a “pal” but his ways are soul-destroying. And the tricky thing about deception is that deceived people are unaware of being deceived. It’s like being asleep. While you’re asleep, you’re not aware that you are asleep. But when you awaken, you can say, “Oh, I was asleep before!”

Today’s verse tells us that the second (earth) beast will be empowered to carry out spectacular, deceptive signs that point to the greatness of the first (sea) beast, who considers himself in the place of Christ. By means of these signs, the earth beast will use his influence on behalf of the sea beast. An image is a likeness. The first beast is religiopolitical (all-in-one) and the second beast is becoming like it, as those who dwell on the earth will be told to make it so. How? The strategy will include, but is not limited to, activism, social media, and voting.

There is a metamorphosis happening with the second beast whose strategy of persuasion begins by means of deception. But as he transitions into the image of the [first] beast (church and state combined) he will come to use coercion and force to achieve cooperation with “the plan.” What began as “good” and “religious reasons” for the changes (and loss of freedoms) will morph into political power, legislation, and police and/or military power to make things happen. As Protestant America deepens its friendship with the papacy, the “wisdom and greatness” of the papacy will be honored with an ever-brightening spotlight.

In contrast, true believers are to point to the matchless greatness of Christ as Creator and Redeemer, the greatness of His love demonstrated at the cross, the power of His grace to shape beloved people into law-abiding citizens of heaven, the truth of His Word (all of it), and the certainty of His soon return.

Today’s verse ends with the third reference to the healing of the deadly wound (3,12,14). The counterfeiting of Christ and His resurrection is emphasized for the purpose of exposing the false nature of Satan, the father of lies (John 8:44), and his deceived allies. He is not their pal.

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. Ephesians 5:11

College Drive Church