As we learn to trust and obey Him more fully, it will be understood and accepted that He is preparing us to stand firm in the faith, even after the winds of strife are let completely loose in the final season of tribulation.
Read MoreThe word of God supports the facts of history, just as they have unfolded. Our Omniscient Creator and Redeemer foresaw it all.
Read MoreHis desire to cleanse us from every harmful habit and attitude is rooted in a love that is beyond our imagination. As we grow in Him, His cleansing is accompanied by ever-growing discernment.
Read MoreThe giving of this key is a frightening prospect unless one also understands that the ultimate blessings of God rest upon all who accept His grace to remain faithful to Him. Even in the happiest of circumstances, total surrender to His will accompanied by total reliance upon His grace are necessary . . . .
Read MoreThe last three woes of the trumpet judgments, as we will see in incredible detail, are directed at papal Rome and her followers. Because of the deadly influence of her false doctrines and her unwillingness to repent, increasing judgments only increase her rebellion and iniquity.
Read MoreRepeatedly the Bible cites darkness to symbolize the absence of the gospel, sin, and judgment. These three are facets of one thing: rejection of any part of the word of God, for in its wholeness is the saving message of the gospel.
Read MoreChurch people who prefer teachings that do not harmonize with Scripture will certainly get what they prefer. But eventually they will discover that, apart from repentance and seeking forgiveness, they will drift further and further away from the Lord, leaving a deadly wake of influence.
Read MoreThese last days, which correspond to the Old Testament Feast of Trumpets (the yearly ten-day period of self-examination leading up to the Day of Atonement), we are past the time of sinning in ignorance. Today, we are invited to examine ourselves in light of the full availability of the Word of God.
Read MoreIt is a historical fact that not a single Christian perished in the destruction of Jerusalem. Jesus had given a warning of what was to come, and because they believed and acted upon His words, they escaped the judgment that fell upon the city and the unbelieving multitude.
Read MoreThere are incalculable benefits for those who are willing to learn the lessons of the past, including and especially of the tenderest care and highest purposes of our Redeemer.
Read MoreThe tabernacle was filled with symbols of the LORD’s divine work to separate us from sin and its sticky residue. By faith, we are to accept that He is able to completely extricate us from the tangled web of sin.
Read MoreTheir cry was a plea for justice and deliverance. Do not mistake it as a demand for revenge, for every true saint will rejoice over the conversion of an enemy.
Read MoreThe sound of the trumpet was a message of good tidings because, in every situation that occasioned its use, it was a herald of God’s deliverance of His faithful people.
Read MoreThere will be silence in heaven when Jesus leaves heaven to come for us, because all the holy angels will come with Him. Our opening verse is the fulfillment of . . .
Read MoreThe prophet Isaiah experienced the protection of the Lord’s presence in the midst of being mistreated by his own people. He cherished the promises of God, drawing great comfort from them.
Read MoreThis change of temple referencing shows the progression of God’s relationship with us. Once terribly broken and far distant from Him, we move through stages of understanding of just how intimate He desires to be with His people, for we are precious to Him.
Read MoreDo you believe that the Infinite Mind wants to reason with us? There is an interesting comparison between man’s attempt at governance and God’s. In the U.S. alone, over 30,000 laws have been enacted since 1789. Legislatures continue to crank out more and more laws, ostensibly to create peace.
Read MoreThe redeemed of the Lord will be in complete and harmonious agreement with Him on every particular. Sanctification means nothing less than the purity and holiness of Jesus entering my life, replacing every unholy inclination, attitude, habit, or tradition.
Read MoreWe do not yet grasp the joy experienced by these servants in the heavenly court, but if we accept by faith that our decisions here on earth affect them also, we can receive encouragement as we face earthly trials.
Read MoreGod has patiently allowed the world to see the harm and chaos of life under Satan’s pretended rule. The Savior will soon bring it to an end, and in the meantime the horrors brought about upon the earth are bringing more exposure of our cruel enemy and his tactics.
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