Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it to the earth. And there were noises, thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake. So the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound. Revelation 8:5-6

John sees a powerful symbol of fiery judgments sent to the earth from heaven. We must understand several things here. To begin with, we are reminded of the vital, living connection between heaven and earth, this being only due to the unmerited love of God. Censers are made for burning incense, and from the time of His instructions for building the earthly tabernacle, incense has been intermingled with human prayers as a symbol of making them acceptable to the Lord. All believers undergo a sanctification process to purify the motives of the heart, and it is very likely that certain aspects of our prayers are not in complete harmony with His will (see Romans 8:26-27) . Yet, here we see fire from the altar of incense in heaven being hurled to the earth, signifying judgments released in response to the fervent prayers of God’s faithful.

This throwing of heavenly fire to the earth in the context of the seven trumpets is an illustration of an ongoing work of redemptive judgments by God, continually showing us that He hears and answers prayer. He is in full control of the manner and timing of these responses. We must emphasize that judgments in connection with the prayers of the saints are not all at once; they are timed according to the full knowledge of the Omniscient One.

Although we may not necessarily recognize the ways in which the Lord is at work, today’s verse powerfully illustrates the multidimensional and perfectly timed work of the Almighty on behalf of His people. History, along with its parallels to Biblical prophecy, provides faith-building evidence from the past. There are incalculable benefits for those who are willing to learn the lessons of the past, including and especially of the tenderest care and highest purposes of our Redeemer.

In the study of judgments that are redemptive in purpose, it is vital to understand that a positive response from each potential redeemed individual is called for. To come face-to-face with the consequences of terrible choices and still be alive presents a golden opportunity to repent, receive forgiveness, and make a different set of choices going forward, under the Holy Spirit’s leadership. But for those in rebellion who refuse to accept correction (Jeremiah 51:9), a trumpet judgment is merely a foreshadowing of the final judgment to come (Revelation 20:9). Refusal to repent leaves a legacy of deadly influence overshadowing the lives of subsequent generations (Exodus 34:7b).

Compare Rahab the harlot of Jericho (whose repentance positively affected her entire family and placed her in a position of honor leading up to the birth of the Savior) to the ungodly leadership that has resulted in a popular worldwide religious system of unfaithfulness to the Savior referred to as Mystery Babylon, mother of harlots (Revelation 17:5).

Glorious things are spoken of you, O city of God! I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to those who know Me. Psalm 87:3b-4a

College Drive Church