Thus, the first step of reconciliation is illustrated for us. It is “picture” of owning up to and confessing sin before God, and exercising faith in the substitutionary death of the sinless One.
Read MoreThe years of life, and yes, even the day of death of the faithful brings glory to God. Do not forget how the resurrected Jesus, immediately after restoring Peter, explained to him that he would also be crucified . . .
Read MoreAs a child growing up, Jesus was “home schooled” in the Scriptures. His oneness with the Father was diligently and faithfully maintained through prayer.
Read MoreWhile our Commander in Chief is infinitely more powerful than the enemy, we must understand that humans are no match. Not even close.
Read MoreThank Him right now that He is able to see all that each of us can potentially become. For every soul who wholeheartedly seeks to follow the way, God’s vision will become the reality in the end.
Read MoreJust as there were those in the jeering crowd at the crucifixion of Jesus who later gave their hearts to Him, John Wesley . . . held to the faith, knowing that among those who ridiculed and threatened were future citizens of the kingdom of heaven.
Read MoreHe alone can provide the divine and sacred spark that re-creates. We must know Who it is that we worship! This is about renewal and restoration of His original plan for each of us.
Read MorePaul’s thankfulness that he had been called out of error added power to his manner of speaking and writing. He, along with the Lord, has often been called harsh and unyielding.
Read MoreThe essential theme of overcoming unbelief is taught throughout Scripture. Jesus envisions us as whole and complete overcomers, fit for eternal life with Him.
Read MoreTo be wholly yielded to Him readies you to accept the divine aid that is essential if you are to stand the trials and tests that are ahead.
Read MoreThis world will constantly test your love for your Heavenly Father through various forms of influence and pressure to conform to worldly ways. Such pressures are intensifying.
Read MoreDaniel was shown the end times in which access to the Bible would enable us to quickly and thoroughly explore every precept of God.
Read MoreThe depths of Himself that the Lord wants to teach you will not only grow your character more into His likeness, but will sharpen your discernment and open your eyes to needs around you.
Read MoreIn teaching us to be generous, God is actually protecting us from unseen corruptive influences.
Read MoreBeloved, it may be that many of your prayers will be answered after your death. Keep pouring them out fervently to our gracious Lord with complete confidence in His divine purposes. He is keeping them for the proper time.
Read MoreIn our sinful state, there is no natural enmity toward the instigator of sin. Apart from the LORD’s intervention, we had no possibility of learning of our choice to realign our lives with Him.
Read MoreJesus made it abundantly clear that our dependence upon the power of God is essential. This is the interlocking piece to accompany the fact that we cannot do it in our own strength
Read MoreIt can be very intimidating to witness, especially among the people you know best. But be encouraged, beloved, that among them are those who are ready to make sure they are on the true trajectory toward heaven. They will humbly listen, allowing themselves to be tested for needed corrections.
Read MoreThe outcome of the ten-day test secured for the young boys a healthy diet without further confrontation for the duration of their supervised training period.
Read MoreImagine what it will be to lock eyes with someone you know who says, “You knew this was coming and you didn’t tell me?”
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