July 23: Guarding The Way

The Scriptures have been given as a guide for anyone who desires to become acquainted with the person and will of Almighty God. As the Source of all life, His will is for life to continue! To ignore or rebel against His word is to separate oneself from life’s Source.

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College Drive Church
July 21: Driving Out the Enemy

It is unlikely that any of us fully realizes the wickedness of our own hearts. But if God’s Son has been truly believed upon, He takes that faith as an invitation to come into our hearts and begin the process of His cleansing work.

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College Drive Church
July 20: Under Construction

It is not a coincidence that Jesus was trained as a carpenter by His earthly father. The skillful input of shaping, fitting, sanding and refining is an apt metaphor for the work of the Creator as He works with us to shape and refine our characters.

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College Drive Church
July 18: Resurrection Power

We are given baptism to celebrate His resurrection and its ongoing power to raise us up every day from the old life of sin and death. In fact, it is the “resurrection power” of His Holy Spirit that saves us from the old life of sin.

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College Drive Church
July 17:  Trust the Process

There is an orderly way that both creation and redemption are presented in the Word. Both are processes. They are also intertwined, for the Omniscient One knew before the foundation of the world that He would give the life of His Son to redeem us from the dark influences that the adversary would bring. Then, He begins the process of recreating us. Submission to His authority in this process is essential.

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College Drive Church
July 14: Taking Opportunity

The covenant relationship that God designed for a man and his wife is a metaphor for the covenant relationship that He designed and desires between Himself and His people. Such a relationship is characterized by unconditional love, fierce loyalty, and fidelity to the end.

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College Drive Church
July 5:  Wrestling in Prayer

No command from the Lord is issued apart from available power to carry it out. If we use our own weaknesses and inabilities as an excuse to be disobedient in any given area of our life, it actually means we subconsciously intend to act in our own strength. Self-reliance must be put away in favor of total reliance upon Him.

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College Drive Church
July 4:  Regenerating Power

As followers of the Lawgiver and Redeemer, we understand that real freedom is about freedom from the bondage of sin. This freedom enables us to love the Lord supremely and love our fellow humans—all regardless of current events.

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College Drive Church