He knows the inexplicably wonderful possibility of what you and I can become. And, though it is not yet reality, it is clearly envisioned in the mind of God. What’s more, He desires each of us to “catch the vision.”
Read MoreThe holy and heavenly city of God will be peopled with those in whom His image has been restored, along with the angels who remained faithful. All will be faithfully united under His banner of love…
Read MoreThe dragon, the beast, and the false prophet are currently working in tandem to gather the world in a common cause that sounds very good on the surface. But underneath, the effort to appeal to all pagans, all religions, and all political powers is for the dark agenda of Satan who desires to funnel all allegiance to himself and against Jesus.
Read MoreThe saving power of His word, clearly understood with the aid of the Holy Spirit, reaches directly through the smokescreens of Satan to pull countless millions to safety.
Read MoreThe great deceiver labors night and day to unite the darkest powers of evil with every secular, religious, and civil/political power among human institutions.
Read MoreThe wise disciple of Christ, as he gains knowledge, comes to understand that the element of teachability is absolutely essential for staying on the heavenward path.
Read MoreJust as parents see their offspring as little children even after they are grown, our heavenly Father sees His trusting followers as little children. It is a term of extreme affection and endearment.
Read MoreThe nature of sin is always degenerative, and this is why He must bring it to an end. He chose to accomplish this by steadfastly revealing His own nature: that of the purest love.
Read MoreIf I am convicted of a sinful habit, and enter the process of putting it to death, Satan will call in his emergency team to “resuscitate” this very sin in my life.
Read MoreOur response must be to cultivate a deep love for the Lord, His true love for all people, and love for the truth as presented in His word. We are to trumpet the Lord’s call—out of confusion—to His scattered people all over the world.
Read MoreIndeed, the idea of going against an entirely gracious and loving God cannot be explained. If sin could be explained, it could be excused.
Read MoreGod’s word has a conquering power to drive out all of those things that have no place in my thinking, my affections, my appetite, and the direction I pursue. If I identify as a child of the King, then I must allow what He says to shape and guide . . .
Read MoreSin and error cause division in the body of Christ. Some are content to have the body of Christ divided – or to have only “half of Jesus” while mixing in compromises and human traditions. But the priceless gift of salvation comes in a true loving, living relationship.
Read MoreBut the honest woman would rather die herself than see harm come to the child. Taking on Christlike attributes, she stood ready to lose her life for the sake of her baby.
Read MoreKing Solomon’s request for an understanding heart was graciously answered by the LORD with the gift of a wise and understanding heart plus a generous list of other blessings, above and beyond what was asked! Solomon was soon confronted with an intriguing test of the wisdom he had been divinely given.
Read MoreThe choice [Adam and Eve] had made to be disobedient toward God quickly confused their mental capabilities and lowered their focus onto themselves.
Read MoreThe connection between patience and commandment keeping . . . is set forth in a particular order to show that commandment keeping is the fruit—and not the root—of saving faith.
Read MoreBelievers at the end of time are described as having patience. Our opening passage indicates that it is within your reach . . .
Read MoreWe have all failed tests. Do you believe that God is able to equip and strengthen us to go through testing without failing?
Read MoreThe invitation to confess and forsake unbiblical ways is still open! You do the possible: come to Jesus in repentance. He will do the impossible: create in you a clean heart!
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