Our loving Commander in Chief guides and instructs each of us regarding what we need to do, and then He places His seal on our obedience by doing the impossible.
Read MoreA plea for God’s mercy signifies that the guilty one comprehends the gravity of his guilt before the Lawgiver. But he must also accept the available grace, essential in order to proceed forward, from his ‘guilty-as-charged’ position.
Read MoreWhatever your situation is, know for a fact that there is no task too mundane and no job so lowly that it could fall outside of the reach and care of our Heavenly Father.
Read MoreThe Bible teaches of the unconditional love of God for all of His creatures, yet the promises of God are conditional upon obedience.
Read MoreGod’s people must make a determined, disciplined effort to consume only that which strengthens the mind and character. The means to increase our appetites for the wondrous knowledge of God is within our reach!
Read MoreIt is the recognition of our need for redemption that brings into focus the great theme of salvation.
Read MoreThe very opposite of redemptive violence is overpowering love. It is a lesson that we are all very slow to incorporate into our own souls. Why not pray right now that Jesus will mend any damage you have caused by wielding a weapon in defense of Jesus.
Read MoreFallen human nature needs opportunity to exercise faith by ‘pushing back’ against anything which goes against the word of the Lord. This exercise of faith produces “spiritual muscle” known as perseverance.
Read MoreIt is interesting that the first commandment of God to the man that He had made was a command to partake and enjoy the vast variety of fruits from countless beautiful trees. It took the devil’s influence of casting doubt and contradicting the LORD (Genesis 3:1-5) to change the direction of focus.
Read MoreIf our understanding today of God were not tainted with sin, there would be no trace of doubt or resentment of even a single syllable from Him.
Read MoreIf Satan can prevent faith altogether through disbelief in the existence of our Creator, he is pleased. But he doesn’t stop there, for he works relentlessly to erect barriers between God and those who desire to know and please Him.
Read MoreWorship of God in the manner that He prescribed has the powerful effect of setting all other life priorities in their proper place. Conversely, the other priorities of life fall into disarray and become laced with sinful habits when the LORD is not given the honor due Him as the absolute top priority.
Read MoreOur heavenly Father is powerfully at work to stir our hearts toward a recognition of His provision for eternal safety and joy. His love letter to us is also His instruction manual for life.
Read MoreIf we are truly yielded to God, there is an inexpressible certainty that His plan is perfect, and that obedience to Him doesn’t require us to explain exactly how every detail of His plan will be fulfilled—only that it will!
Read MoreThe multitudes of Noah’s day were arrayed against the principles and precepts of God, placing them in such a shadowy paradigm as to view Noah as a lunatic. Jesus points us back to this time, for this is the condition of the world now, just before His return.
Read MoreOthers who thought the warning to be genuine and worthy of consideration came short of turning fully to Yahweh in true repentance. Though they had a positive impression of Noah’s preaching, they were not willing to renounce their sins.
Read MoreThe ark that Noah built was built according to the Master’s design. It was a masterpiece of construction. It stands as a fitting symbol for what can be accomplished through a man who is fully submitted to God.
Read MoreAs Noah was preaching of the goodness of God and His coming judgement, there were many who convinced themselves that it was contrary to God’s character to punish wickedness. Noah would have been the first to stand against this thought, so prevalent in today’s world. In utter humility, he had counted himself among the wicked.
Read MoreRain had never come upon the earth. To enter the ark would require a spirit of humility and obedience. Everyone was invited. Most openly mocked and scorned the invitation.
Read MoreBefore all else, preparation for the return of Jesus is of the utmost importance. Getting ready, being ready, living in readiness, and helping others to prepare is the task at hand for every servant of the Lord.
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