The long process of restoring the image of God in humankind has been—and continues to be—arduous. Consider the longsuffering of God!
Read MoreThe jewels of truth found by the Reformers were fervently and faithfully shared for the purpose of lifting people out of the darkness of error and leading them to know their Savior personally.
Read MoreWithout discernment, ideas that seem harmless can lead into deadly snares. The wheat and tares appear deceptively similar, but the wisdom to make the distinction is available to everyone who asks.
Read MoreThese changes have been so normalized that Bible readers tend to gloss over as “minor” anything in Scripture that goes against modern culture.
Read MoreDo we exercise our God-given energies toward hastening the day of Christ’s return? What was His action toward remedy and rescue? In order to destroy sin, He gave us His very best: His beloved Son . . .
Read MoreWhile it is true that we suffer many consequences of sin while living in a broken world, such “judgements” are not to be confused with the final judgement of our Lord.
Read MoreBeloved, the illumination of His word and the light of the countenance of His Holy Spirit stand in readiness to assist all who willingly shift their gaze from worldly pursuits to heavenly ones . . .
Read MoreBeloved, it is a fact that the old enemy of souls is at work through man to oppose and oppress those who want to follow the Lord in loyalty and obedience. This challenge to our faith will intensify until the Lord comes.
Read MoreThe purpose of His patience with each of us is that we might learn of His character and the ultimate authority which is founded upon love. It is a love so pure that our tainted minds can only scarcely comprehend it.
Read MoreMost of us will readily agree that we do not like confrontation of any kind. But do we realize how our enemy exploits this trait for his evil purposes? Fear of some sort of push-back effectively silences so many of us from witnessing of the Savior to others.
Read MoreThe Lord’s parable of the wheat and the tares is rich with lessons. It corrects the false idea that those who reject His offer of salvation are “left behind” on the earth for seven years and given a second chance.
Read MoreIt is not enough to merely assert that Jesus is the Son of God. We must abide in Him as the branch abides in the vine. We must have a faith that works by love and purifies the soul. Then we have evidence that we bear fruit to the glory of God.
Read MoreOur love for Christ Jesus is only a faint reflection of His love for us. We have much room to grow.
Read MoreHistory of the last two thousand years only reconfirms the accuracy of divine prophecy. There is a war that began in heaven before our world was created. It is soon to be concluded on the earth.
Read MoreThat voice behind you is Yahweh’s gentle and loving way of guiding. Our human tendencies so often push their way to the forefront of our thinking. Picture a straight highway leading upward (toward heaven). Jesus has told us plainly that it is narrow.
Read MoreIt is our choice, but [our Great Shepherd] has generously provided all that we need to proceed safely toward Home. Staying on the right path means never being ambushed from the rear.
Read MoreOur loving God has the power to change my heart. As the divine Gentleman of the universe that He is, He patiently waits for my invitation to enter in and perform His miraculous work.
Read MoreAnd now we come to the seven-branch candlestick which was to burn constantly, providing light. This seven-branch candlestick represents Jesus bringing the light of heaven to a fallen world. The earthly ministry of Jesus was filled with preparations for His followers to become light.
Read MoreIt is certainly a mysterious exchange! He asks me to hand over to Him an awful package of darkness and He gives me the costliest gift of Light in all the universe.
Read MoreCommunication is an essential element in our relationship with the Lord. Indeed, our prayers may be seen as a fragrant offering to Him. Would it not stand to reason, then, given that our mortal enemy wants to wreck our relationship with the Lord, that he would execute an “inside job” to interrupt communications?
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