But did you know that Jesus assumes the responsibility of guiding us to grow in faith until His return to take us to heaven? How does He do it? There are answers to be found in the Holy Place, the first room of the tabernacle proper.
Read MoreThrough this simple act, the sinner who has accepted the substitutionary death of Jesus celebrates His resurrection! By faith, he or she is declaring that Jesus’ victory over sin and death can become his or her own.
Read MoreIf my citizenship is in heaven and I regard with faith the work of my High Priest there, I would be wise to understand that my enemy has set up a counterfeit, providing opportunity for me to replace the true with the false.
Read MoreThe enemy of Yahweh has had many centuries to develop all manner of evil among people in the world. Twisting His words and misrepresenting His altogether righteous, loving, giving character in the eyes of the world is the enemy’s way of causing people to be lost.
Read MoreHad the people of God chosen obedience, the blessings and protection that God was to lavish upon them would, by shining example, lead the rest of the world . . .
Read MoreOnce the disciples muddled their way through the shock of Jesus’ arrest and horrific death—and soon after the incredible joy that He was alive again (clearly another shock!), they fearlessly spent the remainder of their earthly lives sharing that truth with the world.
Read MoreTypically, those “in control” of the narrative would elevate and “glorify” the ones in leadership, portraying them in a heroic (legendary) light…..in order to install themselves as the new leaders…
Read MoreThe facts that they (the Roman guard) shared with the chief priests were exactly what the chief priests did not want to hear.
Read MoreThere is a common adage: “Seeing is believing.” But we must recognize and diligently teach—especially in these last days when Satan is ready to reveal his most powerful deceptions—that we must not rely on our senses. There is something more reliable than our senses and that something is the Word of God.
Read MoreFor those who seek lessons from the seemingly small details of Scripture, there is at least one lesson that can be readily learned from this ‘lineup’ of characters: our Lord has a wonderful way of upending the human perspective of priorities, within society, and especially how we may view ourselves.
Read MoreThese four horses and riders, illustrate parallels between the escaping Israelites and Christians of these last two thousand years. To accept the message of salvation—that only the LORD has the power to save—brings the understanding that it is essential to cooperate with Him.
Read MoreBecause of the damage done to the gospel message during the Dark Ages, the world is still in a state of recovery and reformation.
Read MoreJesus is well aware that they are laying His Word aside by allowing ideas to be taught in the church that were heretofore unthinkable—as indicated by the letters to Ephesus and Smyrna.
Read MoreTake heart and remain true to Jesus as you are reminded that the advancement of His kingdom may temporarily seem unattractive, compounded by the fact that our cunning enemy specializes in making sin appear especially attractive.
Read MoreSince the beginning of the church age—and even before—there have been wars and rumors of wars, but because God’s Word shall accomplish what He purposes, the white horse will continue to go forth in power under the authority of Jesus until He returns for the ultimate rescue of His faithful bride.
Read MoreThe name Israel, properly understood, is rich with encouragement that an individual, regardless of past dealings, can align his life with the will of his Creator and be redirected toward life eternal, becoming an overcomer of every “landmine” on which the enemy hopes he (we!) will step.
Read MoreThese expectations revealed a desire for worldly power that progressed toward the creation of a treacherous entanglement of religion and politics.
Read MoreSin’s damage to the human mind is evidenced by a reluctance to learn. It is especially difficult to accept truth if it contradicts something untrue that you have been conditioned to accept.
Read MoreThe testimonies of those who saw Jesus after His resurrection are powerful, influential testimonies, are they not? But even some of these eyewitnesses struggled to believe their own eyes.
Read MoreThe moment that Jesus took the sealed scroll in hand, John saw the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures celebrating and singing: glorious details related to the joyful enthronement ceremony of Christ following His victory on the cross of Calvary.
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