March 30, 2023
But we were hoping that it was He who was going to redeem Israel… Luke 24:21a
Part 2
Yesterday we saw that the meaning of redeem had become collectively diverted away from its eternal significance to a sadly shallow, worldly one. Today we will look at another very important word: Israel. This is the highly meaningful name given by Yahweh to Jacob (Genesis 32:28). Its significance cannot be overstated, for it was the turning point of Jacob’s life: he recognized that his character had become a fulfillment of his name, for Jacob means “deceiver, supplanter, or someone who overreaches.” There was certainly a heavy dose of issues involving deception surrounding Jacob.
The new name, Israel, means “one who prevails with God.” In giving this beautiful name, Yahweh was expressing a message to Jacob: “I know every detail of your life, but now your life is taking a new turn: you are with Me now. And I am with you. Together we shall prevail!”
In our fallen world so heavily laden with the snares of our enemy, fallen man cannot navigate his own way through it safely. It is literally a minefield of deadly traps and temptations. But the greatest news ever is that we are each invited to align with Him. When the Messiah came—in human flesh—He conquered sin and overcame death, demonstrating that with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). May this become my testimony! And yours!
And while some reminders remain in the world that testify to the intent of the Creator, He tells us very plainly that its current state is to be done away with in favor of His original plan. There is a limit to the havoc that the enemy will be allowed to wreak.
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
The name Israel, properly understood, is rich with encouragement that an individual, regardless of past dealings, can align his life with the will of his Creator and be redirected toward life eternal, becoming an overcomer of every “landmine” on which the enemy hopes he (we!) will step.
We need to be aware of the devil’s constant attempts to take control of our linguistics and syntax in order to alter the nuances encompassed in a word. Jacob’s twelve sons became the twelve tribes of Israel and later the nation of Israel. In leading them out of Egyptian slavery, Yahweh’s intent was to reach the entire world through them with the message of victory over the slavery of sin. But if the word “Israel” is separated from the essence of its original meaning of prevailer or overcomer with God, then redemption becomes tied only to a certain ethnic group or nationality.
Indeed, it is He who [is] going to redeem Israel, for He will save for eternity every overcomer!
And they overcame [the accuser] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. Revelation 12:11