Now that Jesus is out of Satan’s reach, the full brunt of Satan’s fury is directed at the followers of Jesus. Jesus could see down through the corridors of time, and everything He did and said was not only for the benefit of His hearers at the time, but also for everyone who would seek to learn of Him . . .
Read MoreRegardless of the apparent difficulty of being obedient to Jesus in all things, let us be encouraged to draw from the power He is offering, for He is The Source of power.
Read MoreGod deals with people both corporately and individually. He is capable of communicating powerful truths to large groups at one time while simultaneously speaking one-on-one to individuals. A vitally important distinction to make is that He is saving people individually. Individually only.
Read MoreBecause of such courage, he and other reformers—in the hope of correcting the church—stood up for the truth they encountered in God’s word. But because correction was refused, Bible believers were forced to flee for their lives all over Europe.
Read MoreJesus has not missed a single opportunity to state the facts and His counsel in terms that can be easily understood.
Read MoreThis beautiful time of year is filled with reminders of new life. Ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance to take a “detour” regarding commercialism or paganism, and use this special time to spread the truth to family and community that new life is a heavenly gift made available to everyone through Christ!
Read MoreAs we move through the time of the end, the multiplicity of subtle misinterpretations of God’s word are on the increase. The enemy’s purpose to cause confusion is steadily intensifying.
Read MoreThe “city of peace” was still very much under pagan Roman rule. It is no secret that Pax Romana (the peace of Rome) was ensured through intimidation, coercion, and, if deemed necessary, sheer force—all of which foreshadows papal Roman rule in the last days.
Read MoreThe Bible tells the story of the workings of God to save fallen man. It begins and ends with perfect people in a perfect setting with their loving Creator. Genesis and Revelation are the bookends to the greatest story ever written.
Read MoreIn the Bible there are three teachings that were presented before the fall of man: God’s identity as the Creator (Genesis 1:1), His day of rest (Genesis 2:2-3), and the marriage union between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:22-24). All three of these teachings are heavily under attack. This world has quite literally become a war zone. It is a battlefield of ideas.
Read MoreChrist can look upon the sadness that envelops the world and see beyond the sin and misery which is soon to end. In His infinite love and wisdom, He sees the marvelous possibilities in the heart of each man, woman, and child who is surrendered to Him.
Read MoreGod has not abandoned us to our own devices. No indeed! He implemented the divine rescue mission—to impart to us the life of His Son—which was agreed upon within the Trinity before the foundation of the world.
Read MoreIntegrity of body, mind, and spirit hinges upon accepting the love and the law of God while learning to wholeheartedly love and obey Him.
Read MoreThe Savior Himself came humbly to the earth in order to direct all glory towards His heavenly Father. He was not teaching that acts of kindness were meant to be “top secret” but that they should spontaneously spring from love for God and genuine concern for those who are downcast, that they might lift their gaze heavenward.
Read MoreHow is it even possible in the lowest of times to maintain concern for others above self?
Read MoreThe Apostolic Church understood and taught that becoming a follower of Jesus meant a willingness to let go of one’s own interests in favor of the interests of God. True happiness and real joy is found only in living for Christ, that His inheritance may increase.
Read MoreThe most urgent need in the world—by far!—is consecrated effort for the salvation of souls. Jesus desires, by the power of His Holy Spirit, to so strengthen His followers that through them the world would be embraced with an atmosphere of grace.
Read MorePhysical resurrection is a surety for those who have died in Christ. But in the here-and-now I must ask myself: am I experiencing the spiritual resurrection from my old life of sin that He came to provide?
Read MoreBeloved, each of us who profess Christ is called to be a Repairer of the Breach (Isaiah 58:12). The breaches in Biblical doctrines matter because what you believe about these things is central to what you believe about the identity and character of God.
Read MoreSoon, an irrevocable decision will be pronounced upon the world, but the world will not know it. This end-time period parallels the seven days between the closing of the door of the ark by the hand of God and the coming of the great flood.
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