Paul must have understood that a door opened today may not necessarily still be open tomorrow. There is a readiness for sharing the Good News that is a foundational principle of kingdom building.
Read MoreHe—who came to heal and make whole His beloved people—kept His wounds.
Read MoreJesus saw Thomas, not as a cynical doubter, but as a thoughtful man with sincere questions. Wouldn’t that be a better way to view those around me who may not see Jesus as I see Him?
Read MoreA long gaze straight into the compassionate eyes of Jesus will bring a very significant principle to the forefront: He saw each individual as a potential citizen of heaven.
Read MoreThe beauty and majesty of nature help our minds conceptualize something of the beauty, majesty, and power of Almighty God Himself. This may be so, yet the divine plan of salvation is laid out in His word.
Read MoreThis cleansing of the sanctuary is an object lesson to show us God’s determination to remember no more (Hebrews 8:12) the sins committed against Him. His plan is to blot out all sin from His remembrance.
Read MoreGrudge-holding is a character trait that our enemy the devil projects upon God, hoping that we will buy in to this false notion. But God, in a love and purity as yet indiscernible to our mundane and sin-damaged minds, planned ahead of time to provide for the forgiveness He knew I would need…
Read MoreIt is the Lord’s will to clothe you with rich robes. As you step forward in faith, He will meet you. Satan wants to make a display of your failures, but the Lord wants to make you a display of His grace!
Read MoreWhenever a committed follower of Jesus Christ is in the moment of a crucial decision, his conscience should invariably direct him to God’s perfect law. Recognition of His standard means holding it above the endless list of counterfeit standards being propagated in the world.
Read MoreBefore the governor, with the religious leaders listening, Paul highlighted something very important that he had in common with the Pharisees: a belief in the doctrine of resurrection.
Read MoreToday’s ever-strengthening bond between church and state has been forging for decades, and all for the “greater good” of world peace and saving the planet. Mainstream Christendom and leading governments of the world are devising the One World plan.
Read MoreJesus knew that the fallen Medieval church would claim ownership of the key to salvation. His word contains door and key metaphors to strengthen our defenses against the adversary’s counterfeits.
Read MoreEach new kingdom saw itself as an improvement over the one before, but in actuality, each successive kingdom became more brutal and less refined.
Read MoreThe Jews of Jesus’ day had lost touch with the reality of God’s power over evil angels.
Read MoreWhile the seven letters of Revelation 2 & 3 are to all professed believers, the promises are only to him who overcomes . . .
Read MoreMany churches and individuals – once shining beacons of light in the world – have tragically lost their place in God’s Kingdom. The Lord has told us that He will not leave or forsake us. However, He does not remove our freedom to choose.
Read MoreThe response that Jesus gave this Jewish nobleman may, on the surface, seem harsh. But not a single word from the lips of the Savior has ever been spoken with malice or unconcern.
Read MoreTo disregard the truth of God’s word causes others to misunderstand its essential, life-affirming nature. Willful ignorance is failure to cherish the light that God gives. This is building on the sand (Matthew 7:26).
Read MoreIn tender, unending mercy, He who came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8) is steadily at work to help our minds, weakened by the influences of sin, back away from and reject the barrage of deceptions put in place by the deceiver.
Read MoreIt is up to me to turn my focus back where it belongs. This will enable me to hear what He is saying, rather than being at the mercy of my own impulses.
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