The first serious danger facing the infant church was not a threat from outside the church. Jesus addressed the problem thus: “I have this against you, that you have left your first love.”
Read MoreThe infant church of Ephesus parallels the first of the four horsemen (Revelation 6:2) which is the pure gospel message going forth “conquering and to conquer” – that is to give people victory over sin.
Read MoreThe precepts of Yahweh are laid out in their purity for us to comprehend. Nothing compares in power to ennoble the character and refine the affections of fallen man.
Read More. . . they held dear the truths of the word of God above all else. Their love for His Son was foremost. Yes, they were truly rich. Only love for Him could keep them faithful through unimaginable trials. Their faithfulness brought horrendous persecution . . .
Read MoreSatan wants us to believe we are inherently immortal and therefore cannot die. This is one of the two pillars upon which the deceiver fabricates his deceptions (the other one being that the eternal law of God, the Lawgiver, has been done away with). These two lies, directly or indirectly, undermine every doctrine of Yahweh.
Read MorePositive moves were made toward leading the people in reformation. Seeds of truth sprang up and gave promise of an abundant harvest, but they had been choked by thorns.
Read MoreWhile Yahweh roundly condemns the worldly systems of idolatry—not only statues that cannot see or hear, but manmade ideas and traditions placed above Biblical teachings—He lovingly communicates His welcome to anyone who chooses Him over the world’s popular ideologies.
Read MoreSolomon’s apostasy that so embittered much of his life had occurred gradually. By the time he was awakened to the reality of his folly, he was old and terribly regretted the downward course he had pursued.
Read MoreLittle by little he withheld from God that unswerving obedience which was to make Israel a peculiar people, and he conformed more and more closely to the customs of the surrounding nations.
Read MoreThe Lord Jesus, before His earthly ministry ended, promised His followers the Holy Spirit to aid in our journey through a fallen world where, without exception, every precept of God is attacked, either subtly or blatantly. There is at least one counterfeit for each truth of God’s word.
Read MoreThere is a progression of understanding for those in a relationship with Jesus. As the Master Teacher, He lays the foundation of truth from the very beginning of His word. Throughout Scripture, there is a teaching theme: review and expand.
Read MoreWhen Jesus, now in heaven, identifies Himself in three distinct facets of time, it helps to open to our understanding as to how His righteousness is the key to our future.
Read MoreThe “how to” of hastening the return of Christ is tied directly to a personal relationship with Him. The more I get to know Him, the more my love for Him grows, and the more I will want others to know Him.
Read MoreAre we to believe that God has placed it within our power to hasten the return of Jesus? Indeed we are!
Read MoreHumble obedience to the revealed will of God is an essential component of true worship and has the potential to lead others toward true worship of the living GOD.
Read MoreWhen opposing doctrines are presented as Christian teaching, it is obvious they cannot both be correct. Therefore, it is vital to clarify! Playing the “ostrich” is not a defense for failing to distinguish between truth and error. Truth may hurt, but error can kill!
Read MoreMany of God’s people will answer the call to come out of Babylon before the fall of the final seven plagues. But the majority will refuse. As the plagues are falling, they will realize too late that Babylon cannot deliver what she had promised.
Read MoreNot only did the people repeatedly refuse the invitations to come into the ark, but their lack of repentance produced iniquity of such enormity that their minds were rendered incapable of discerning the gravity of their own situation.
Read MoreNeutrality and compromise are the tools of that old serpent, a subtle ploy to lead people away from God. It always seems harmless at first. The deceiver even makes it appear beneficial.
Read MoreThese are exciting times, filled with challenges to our faith. Our enemy is out to trip us up, but even this is subject to the sovereignty of God. He allows our faith to be tested and at the same time generously provides for the spiritual safety of every heart that is inclined towards Him.
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