March 16, 2023

Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness? Romans 6:16 

Satan knows that most people would not readily or consciously give their allegiance to him over God. While there may be satanic cults who make a declaration of bowing down to Satan, the majority of Satan-worshipers are cunningly deceived into worshipping him, for he is a master of deception. By contrast, God clearly laid out in His word what true worship of Him is: obedience borne of a love-relationship with Him.

In the Bible there are three teachings that were presented before the fall of man: God’s identity as the Creator (Genesis 1:1), His day of rest (Genesis 2:2-3), and the marriage union between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:22-24). All three of these teachings are heavily under attack. This world has quite literally become a war zone. It is a battlefield of ideas.

In the third chapter of Genesis, Satan (which means “accuser”) led the woman into sin by disparaging the character of God. How did he do it? His very first recorded words (3:1) were a purposely twisted rearrangement of God’s words (taken from 2:16-17 and framed as a question) to make God appear vague, unreasonable, and restrictive. Eve senses that something isn’t quite right about the question, so she attempts to defend God, who doesn’t need defending, by the way. At this point, Satan has drawn her into conversing with him. By verse 4, Satan plainly accuses God of being dishonest and untrustworthy – a liar! Verse 5 makes it sound as if you are better off if you disobey God because He wants to keep you down because He does not have your best interest at heart: He is selfish! This “tripod” of misrepresentations has been cunningly put forth as a cycle of reasons to disobey God: He is vague, unclear, unreasonable, restrictive, untrustworthy, and egotistical (the height of selfishness!). But the cycle, or circle, of misrepresentations is not effective unless it is believed.

Beloved, make it your prayer today to believe that God is your Creator and does indeed have your best interest at heart. Satan’s deceptions can be overcome by trusting God. Before Eve was deceived, she and Adam lived in a close, daily relationship with God and each other in a perfect environment. The Garden of Eden was a garden of pleasure, for this is what “Eden” means. Tending it and keeping it was pleasurable work.

It is the enemy who desires to drive a wedge between us and God; he devises counterfeit teachings to trick people into worshipping him. Wrecking relationships is his specialty. And he blurs the connection between disobedience and death, even denying the reality of death. But Jesus came to show us the true character of His heavenly Father who desires for us to have life! His true character was demonstrated as He taught and healed and loved people – even to the point of taking the penalty of their disobedience upon Himself.    

And having been perfected, He became the author of salvation to all who obey Him. Hebrews 5:9

College Drive Church