The damage done when God’s people are living outside of His will is worse than that of unbelievers. In fact, when false doctrines are propagated by professed believers, the damage is often multiplied many times over, much more than double.
Read MoreDon’t miss another day of the joy that is yours when you walk with the Lord in the light of the wonderful counsel of His word. Like Abraham, we may be counted righteous by fully believing what God says.
Read MoreEven though Lot did not take part in the sin of Sodom, he was identified with it. Had he chosen to simply stay where he was, he would have been unprotected from the judgment as it rained down upon the plain.
Read MoreThus, the fallen church presents herself and her accomplices to the world as benefactors. The deeper reality behind this is the fact of Satan’s exploitation of human weakness in regard to wealth and riches, for his ultimate goal is the eradication of individuals whose loyalty to God remains steadfast.
Read MoreA common element shared by historical Babylon and spiritual Babylon is the gross propensity for idol worship. This is exactly why spiritual Babylon, under Satan’s usurped authority, deleted the second commandment from her special rendering of the Ten Commandments.
Read MoreAs a loyal, humble, obedient servant, this messenger comes to share glorious illumination that saves. Are we not to be such messengers? Every message from heaven is powered and propelled by incomparable love that emanates from the tender heart of Christ. GLORY!
Read MoreThe entity revealed as the great harlot is also called that great city. They are one and the same. The earliest inklings of the great city are foreshadowed.
Read MoreThis priceless lesson, well understood by repentant ones, is akin to the law of gravity. The only escape from sin’s downward pull is the miracle of God’s love and grace. To live in the light of His truth places His faithful ones under the divine umbrella of hope for the eternal future.
Read MoreThey were not forced to do this, but were deceived into believing it was the right thing to do. This belief even clears the way (in their collective conscience) to be participants in forcing others to comply.
Read MoreMany individuals from the hordes who are currently subservient to the antichrist will awaken to the truth and, in deep and lasting gratitude will bow humbly before the Savior.
Read MoreBeloved, if you are rebuffing the Holy Spirit’s leading to be obedient to Christ on any given point, you will suffer loss of discernment and will not even recognize when you are bowing to the will of the enemy.
Read MoreWhen God’s people love Him and each other in truth, there is a holy single-mindedness that is the true embodiment of Christ’s love.
Read MoreIt is ironic that after all of the failed attempts to unite Europe, the world as a whole will be so desperate for peace that it will be readily deceived into uniting under Satan’s banner of disregard for the law of God.
Read MoreBut two more defenses emerged, and are gaining steam still today, from an assignment to develop “scholarly” lines of thought to deflect attention away from the papacy.
Read MoreHistory corroborates the Biblical record, including the prophetic recording by John of the activities of the beast that is eschatological Babylon.
Read MoreThe seat upon which God sits, His throne, is represented by the golden mercy seat, on top of the ark of the Testimony.
Read MoreIt was rumored all over the world that the papacy had come to its end. Napoleon’s order was perceived as a mortal wound. However, the angel told John that the beast would re-emerge from the bottomless pit.
Read MoreThe sending of an angel from heaven to our beloved brother John for the giving of Revelation’s message is a lifesaving gift to all of us! It is the Savior’s intent to equip His people to overcome all of the distractions, smokescreens, and detours of the enemy.
Read MoreLet each of us daily ask the Holy Spirit for eyes to see the incomparable treasures of a never-ending love relationship with Him who is the Creator, Sanctifier, and Savior.
Read MoreSin’s gravitational pull requires strength of character to overcome, yet Jesus has laid out His expectation for us to do just that.
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