The sight of the ark of the covenant in the heavenly temple should be seen—even more so than the earthly copy of the past—as a comfort and a sure reminder that God is on His throne, seated upon His eternal law which stands, even though our subtle and crafty enemy has worked through deceived men in an attempt to alter it.
Read MoreWhat does God expect us to learn from the sanctuary? . . . Because of sin’s sticky residue, the total elimination of it is a process involving the supremely powerful Redeemer and our cooperation with Him. This throws a great light upon the sanctuary language expressed in the book of Revelation.
Read MoreJohn Wesley came to a point of realizing that he did not have real peace with God. As he sought to gain a clearer understanding of the Bible’s teachings about faith, he recognized that he had been taught and trained to depend upon his own works for salvation. The contrast with the Biblical truth that he discovered was stark. Joyfully, he entered into a brand-new faith . . .
Read MoreIf someone were to ask me directly why this or that instruction of the Lord is ignored, a litany of “reasons” would likely be recited. If I find myself in a position of needing to “explain” a habit or practice that goes against Scripture, it would be wise to back up and humbly acknowledge the precarious path I have been traveling.
Read MoreThe most far-reaching harm has resulted from the compromising and watering-down of the Bible and has inevitably led to outright contradictions of God’s word: contradictions that are even elevated to “church doctrine” status.
Read MoreLook to Him today, believing that the miserable failures of your past are covered. As you look to Him, you will see in others the same potential that He sees . . .
Read MoreFrom Genesis to Revelation, God’s love is expressed through Creation and continues in His promise to cleanse and restore it from the ravages of sin and death. Our hope lies in the perfection of the pure character and intentions of Him who created us in His image.
Read MoreExercise your will to be obedient to the Lord. You may say, “I cannot!” but if you truly desire to obey Him, He will supernaturally empower you by His Spirit and lavish His grace upon you for every challenge to your faith. Too often, the declaration of “I cannot!” really means “I will not!”
Read MoreNo one will be able to say that they had not heard the message. As the seventh angel is about to sound (10:7), the greatest proclamation of the everlasting gospel (14:6) will be circling the globe and brought into every house, hut, tent, and shack. When the last trumpet actually sounds, that proclamation will have been completed.
Read MoreGod is perfectly able to see hearts with even the slightest potential for genuine repentance mixed among the hardened unbelievers. His merciful patience is still being showcased, even as judgements fall. His warnings are always given in love for the purpose of redemption.
Read MoreWhenever the world believes it has silenced the voice of God’s word and His witnesses, exoneration is portrayed as resurrection and ascension. A fresh and powerful wave of interest in the study of God’s word swept through the old world and the new following the “public execution” of the Bible.
Read MoreEven clothed in sackcloth, the power of God’s word went forth during this time. At the end of the medieval period, a prophesied turn of events reverberated throughout the globe: the French Revolution.
Read MoreJohn’s use of Zerubbabel, governor of Judea, and Joshua, the high priest serve to highlight the royal and priestly status (see Revelation 1:6) of those who are able to stand when Jesus returns. They are actually enabled by the Holy Spirit of God.
Read MoreThe clear identification of the Antichrist power is for the purpose of recognition by true worshipers, that they may exit his false system of worship. Immediately John’s vision goes to identifying our reliable source of truth, the written word of God.
Read MoreGod’s dwelling place, the location of His throne, is the ‘control center’ of the universe. In addition, it is the center where all decisions and strategies regarding planet earth are made. Antagonistic enemy powers are hostile to the temple and all it entails.
Read MoreOne of the things we must learn in order to make a safe journey across this fallen world is this: the life of faith is not about the emotional enjoyment of blessings. Yes, there will be blessings for which we are truly grateful. But the faith that He desires us to have will be a tested and tried faith when the blessings are not visible.
Read MoreThe angel’s placement of his feet—on the sea and on the land—indicates that the authority he represents is over the whole earth. The worldwide significance of his message is undeniable. It is interesting that the two beasts of chapter 13 come from the sea and from the land.
Read MoreIt is our choice! Herein lies the “secret” of transformation into His likeness. Another word for this use of “dwell” is behold. We are changed by beholding. Therefore, we must be selective about all that we behold!
Read MoreThe man, himself a loving father, wanted to believe fully on Jesus, but his declaration to that effect ironically revealed his own doubts to himself. His cry to Jesus was truly from the depths of his heart.
Read MoreThe patterns in Scripture that brings us around repeatedly to the point of the return of Jesus are divinely laid out to prepare us for that Day. This preparation is for every follower of Christ, whether we die before His return or are still alive when He comes.
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