Not everyone partook of the abominations. God’s small, faithful remnant yet endured. Ezekiel was shown in vision the calling of God’s angels who had charge over the city of Jerusalem. One had a writer’s inkhorn . . .
Read MoreIt is a mistake to understand patience as passivity or inaction. An accurate view of this word includes the attributes of alert focus upon Jesus and His word, a spirit of perseverance, and a steadfast determination to honor Him through love, loyalty, and faithful obedience.
Read MoreThe releasing of angels who were previously bound indicates intensifying of demonic power in the last days.
Read MoreThe term Israel, meaning ‘Overcomer with God’, represents God’s faithful. Use of the term will be continued until the end of earth’s history. Israel is a theological entity designating the body of God’s faithful ones. To limit the use of the name Israel to those with a certain DNA or geographical boundary is not only inaccurate but misrepresents God as small-minded.
Read MoreGod’s gift of free will is respected by Him and considered sacred. When His seal is placed, our part is to protect and guard that seal that it will not be broken. Not even Satan can break it, but he works diligently to tempt each of us to break it!
Read MoreBut isn’t being told ahead of time a blessing? Yes, without a doubt, a blessing to one who heeds. The opportunity to “exit, stage right” is the opportunity to traverse this earth in a new direction.
Read MoreOn the heels of the great awakening happening in pockets all over the world—as sincere Christians were awakened and receptive to a brighter revelation of the Gospel through the work of the Reformers—there was another counteracting occurrence, ironically called the “Enlightenment”.
Read MoreThe brave Reformers, in pulling back the curtain on some of the deceptions of the papacy, set a trend into motion that needed to continue. A journey into discovery of truth!
Read MoreThe last three woes are frightening, but true followers of Christ need not be fearful. Instead, we must focus on the return of Jesus and prepare others that they may avoid the deadly mine field of deceptions laid out, one after another, by our enemy.
Read MoreThe flawless character of Yahweh is demonstrated to us in the character of His Son. His love for mankind demands that our flaws and defects be shown to us. Together with Him, in a love relationship, they are to be willingly laid down and replaced with heavenly traits.
Read MoreFallible humans cannot recognize the meaning of “mediocre” apart from Spirit-led comprehension of the excellence of God’s word, followed by wholehearted obedience.
Read MoreHowever, for those who desired truth, it could still be found by sincere seekers per the command: do not harm the oil and the wine. The light of the Gospel and its true doctrines are symbolized by oil and wine.
Read MorePeter wrote to encourage the Jewish believers who were suffering. The encouragement was for conduct and character that would be above reproach. During these times, many Romans were won to Christ as a result.
Read MoreThe first trumpet was a shocking combination of the Old Testament judgements against God’s enemies but applied directly to those who considered themselves His people. Here, judgement was pronounced against apostate believers who confirmed their own apostate status through their illicit union with Rome.
Read MoreEven though we have yet to be perfect, God’s perfect word teaches that His followers are given the ministry of reconciliation. What a privilege!
Read MoreOne’s entire manner of living—or lifestyle—is meant to be as much of a sermon as the words of verbal testimony.
Read MoreGod has consistently raised up faithful reformers who have discovered gem after gem of truth from the Bible and shared their treasure with the world. Each faithful one is to be commended for his faith in action. But no single reformer was called to reveal everything that needed to be discovered . . .
Read MoreMake a determination to keep learning. Nowhere in the Bible does God tell any of His people, ‘Now you know enough. Stay right there and don’t move.’ Heaven forbid!
Read MoreIn our day, just as in David’s, there seem to be enemy garrisons between me and blessings that I long for. When a blessing does come, my common sense tells me to take it for myself. But . . .
Read MoreDavid’s confidence in the workings of the LORD beyond his own time on the earth was unshakeable. He also understood that his prayers were precious to God.
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