That old serpent’s lie, You shall not surely die, has mushroomed like an atomic bomb into a host of false doctrines in the world; he has people in every religion, including Christianity, believing that dead people are alive.
Read MoreA seal is a mark or a sign of protection. In the case of a letter, the seal—readily recognizable—is pressed into hot wax to show the recipient that the letter has not been tampered with. Although a seal is easily broken, a good letter-carrier protects the seal that it may be intact upon delivery to the intended recipient.
Read MoreAthaliah tore her clothes. This gesture by religious people was exercised when something truly tragic had occurred. This is a clue that Satan’s work in the world is garbed with religiosity and piety; a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Read MoreWith the idea of death out of the way, it seemed harmless to disobey God. In the moment, Eve did not perceive that she was switching loyalties from God to Satan. The largest volume of myths and erroneous doctrines perpetrated upon mankind go back to Satan’s lie about death.
Read MoreSatan doesn’t mind if messages in the name of Jesus go out to the world, as long as they are mixed with error. In fact, he is the power behind this phenomenon. It’s his most effective way to ensure that people are being murdered.
Read MoreDuring these six years, only a very few trusted people knew that the royal child was alive and hidden in the temple of God. The high priest, Jehoiada, loved Joash and trained him as his own child, while praying for the ideal time to present this rightful heir to the people.
Read MoreCreated in God’s image, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. It is fascinating to compare features of our bodies with aspects and functions of the temple building.
Read MoreSince we are taught that our bodies are also meant to be a dwelling place of the Lord’s Spirit, we are to actively cultivate daily communication with God—our prayers correspond to breathing and time in His word is eating—fortified and aided by the indescribable benefit of the intercession of Jesus, our High Priest, in the heavenly sanctuary.
Read MoreThe tiny, portable tabernacle constructed under Moses was exquisitely beautiful in every detail—and the presence of the LORD manifested in the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night was undoubtedly a stunning sight in the midst of the wilderness as a witness to the surrounding pagan nations.
Read MoreVery often, it is in the details that must occur before we reach a goal that we become overwhelmed.
Read MoreThe purpose of the temple had been hijacked and perverted by the very ones in possession of the divine instructions for leading sinners to the forgiveness and cleansing that God offers.
Read MoreOur participation in acknowledging our own sin is vital in bringing a balm to His pain. To be in agreement with Him over my sin immediately moves me to the next point of decision: will I allow Him to cleanse me of erroneous thinking that would otherwise lead to future sins?
Read MoreThe sooner we come to Jesus with confession of sin and the desire to turn away from it—the better! He loves us so much that He is anxious to forgive: to relieve us from the weight of guilt. The thankful heart cleansed from its guilt is on the springboard of a wholesome new way of living, under the gentle guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Read MoreIf we were to truly live by the words of Jesus, our lives would be revolutionized! Putting and keeping our relationship with the Lord foremost is the central theme of the Christian life. It is a discipline that is challenged by nearly every aspect of life here in this world.
Read MoreWe see a pattern throughout history of God’s people collectively abandoning His truths. Over and over God is patiently calling His people—all who will listen—to “come out” of the masses who have gone astray. We are likened unto sheep because one straying sheep is often followed by others.
Read MoreIn the face of the downward spiral of today’s general ruin, there are still pastors and leaders who, in a deep sense of gratitude toward God, cultivate a genuine affection for the example of His faithful shepherds of the past.
Read MoreThere is a spiritual alertness that comes with living in the expectancy of Jesus’ return. It is in His word that we continually learn of Him while also gaining understanding of world events in light of Biblical prophecy.
Read MoreGod’s word is complete and provides more than everything we need to discern our cruel enemy’s subtle and blatant attempts to stunt and twist our thinking. God has powerfully been leading His people out of numerous errors that crept in among us. HE IS STILL AT WORK, and He desires to thoroughly prepare His people for His return.
Read MoreAlmighty God exercises the power of divine restraint when it comes to the freedom of choice He has given to each soul. He will not come after us to drag us back into His camp when we wander off, but in tender love His Spirit will whisper of His power to heal as soon as the wayward heart recognizes the need for healing.
Read MoreJeremiah, spoke clearly and repeatedly, calling God’s people to be holy—set apart—which our enemy attempts to make unappealing. Satan relentlessly presents a parade of one worldly trinket after another, making each worthless thing seem pressing, important . . . and appealing. But the one who, by God’s grace, maintains a heavenward gaze will exercise spiritual discernment . . .
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