August 30: HIM

See it:

Jesus went up on a mountainside. He called for certain people to come to him, and they came. He appointed 12 of them so that they would be with Him. He would also send them out to preach. And He gave them authority to drive out demons. So Jesus appointed the 12 disciples. Mark 3:13-16a (NIRV)

Obey it:

If you haven’t noticed by now, serving people can be exhausting, even frustrating. In times when you want to give up, remember three important things:

1.      The Person who calls you is important! Jesus called His disciples two thousand years ago, and He calls His disciples still. A sense of calling is especially important during difficult times, because sometimes all you have is your call.

2.      The Purpose for which He called you is important. Recognize why He called you. Notice three things the disciples were able to do after their call: cast out demons, preach, heal. But sometimes the real purpose for His calling gets lost. He calls us to be with Him. We are to be before we do.

3.      The Personality of those He called with you is important. A close look at the personality of the disciples reveals anything but uniformity. They were different, and that was a good thing. Different backgrounds, social status, politics, jobs. What message is Jesus trying to send us through the selection of the disciples? A simple one: if Jesus was able to transform and use them, He can do the same with me. Service for others was their common denominator.

Share it:
1. Be a courteous driver.
2. Hold the elevator.
3. Visit a lemonade stand or corner food vendor and buy something.

My prayer today:
Lord, help me remember that I’m a human being, not a human doing; that I must be with You before I can work for You. Amen                                                

 Season of Service

Roger Hernandez