August 29: FRIENDS
See it:
At creation our heavenly Father made every provision for our happiness. He included friends as a key ingredient. The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone…” (Genesis 2:18a) God gave man the animal creation for low-level companionship. This relationship describes superior to inferior. Likewise, God gave man other humans for companionship. This represents mutual social relationships.
Obey it:
The word friend appears in the Bible (King James) 53 times. Friendly appears 3 times. Friends appears 49 times. Friendship appears twice. As a quick reference word study, the Old Testament word for friend is reya in Proverbs 18:24, which means brother, associate, companion, friend or neighbor. In the New Testament, the Greek terms used most include philos or friend. Let’s consider three things about friends.
1. Purpose of friends. Today’s generation seem to possess the habit of being anti-social. They don’t trust anyone, so they live guarded lives. Being alone is not negative, but being a lone-ranger without friends as support becomes alarming. We’re here on this planet not only to make something of ourselves, but also to leave our mark in the most memorable manner. It’s our privilege to touch those around us with our friendship and support. Each of us can help change our friends’ lives, help them bounce back from the lowest of times, and help them learn about the love of God. A friend loves at all times. (Proverbs 17:17)
2. Practice of friends. Proverbs 27:17 says Iron sharpens iron as a friend sharpens a friend. Someone said there are three types of friends. First, mentor friend teaches, counsels, or disciples. Second, mentee friend is taught, counseled, or discipled. Third, mutual friends are not mentored, but closely aligned on the same level, balancing the natural flow of giving and receiving between genuine friends. As we meet new people and expand our social circles, we’ll encounter individuals from all walks of life with stories to tell and personalities to share. People help us in more ways than we can imagine, but mostly they help us to broaden our outlook on life.
3. Power of friends. One of my favorite stories tells of a man journeying on a winter’s day through deep drifts of snow—benumbed by the cold which was freezing his vital powers. “Nearly chilled to death and about to give up the struggle for life, he heard the moans of a fellow traveler who was perishing in the cold. Sympathy aroused, determined to rescue the man, he raised the sufferer to his feet, bore him through the very drifts he thought he could never get through alone. Traveling to a place of safety, the truth flashed home to him that in saving his neighbor he saved himself.” Welfare Ministry by E.G.White (p.305) Friends possess a power to change lives as well as the world around them.
Share it:
1.Clean up your area at work, and a common area as well.
2.Pick up trash.
3.Pay for the drink, meal, or toll of the person behind you.
My prayer today:
Father, help me be loving in my relationships, and help me serve even those I do not get along with. Amen.
Season of Service