It is worth knowing that the original Greek text was written in block form. It did not contain any sort of paragraph breaks, verse numbers, or punctuation marks.
Read MoreThe third surprise is likely to come in slow-motion. In looking around, everyone there will realize that there are people missing that had given the positive impression on earth that they were saved.
Read MoreThe tendency for someone convicted of a crime to commit another crime following their release from prison is called recidivism . . . Our God can see ahead of time that the recidivism rate for Satan is exactly 100%.
Read MoreBound for a thousand years to the desolate earth by a chain of circumstances, Satan will have nothing to do but observe the disastrous results of his ‘governmental style’. Undermining every precept of God in the minds of people was his goal.
Read MoreThe sword is a fitting symbol for the Word of God. All who are genuinely convicted by it will gain a desire to please Him and will study it carefully.
Read MoreAs Christ approaches, the system’s long-standing rebellious and unbiblical thinking will be utterly exposed. The entire mindset will crumble, dissolve, and evaporate, placing each individual alone before God without the support of the false system in which he or she had trusted.
Read MoreBy the Spirit of God, we are enabled to get ready, to be ready, and to stay ready for the Lord’s coming. This is abundant living even as the world slips further away from God! Being watchful and alert brings the blessing of peace while the world becomes more and more fearful.
Read MoreIs there a treacherous pretense behind the current ecumenical movement? It is certainly bringing about a new “unity,” but beware of its deceptive proposed solution to the problems of the world.
Read MoreHave you ever been blessed without knowing or appreciating the blessing? We all have. Learning to be tuned in to the blessings of the Source of Life makes all the difference as to which of the two suppers of Revelation 19 one attends.
Read MoreThe better a man is, the less an oath is needed. But the man of God is bound by his word, in all honesty and purity. For the progeny of Christ, our natural conversation should be characterized by thoughtfulness, compassion, purity, and honesty above reproach.
Read MoreThe loving relationship between the Savior and His committed followers indeed produces offspring; progeny! This is at the heart of witnessing to the Lord’s true character among the nations, bringing new life to the Creator’s command: “Be fruitful and multiply...”
Read MoreIn the ancient world, both Hebrew and pagan, the thigh was looked upon as the source of posterity.
Read MoreThe Great Physician, with tenderness and great care, can—by His word—cut into a person’s soul and remove the deadly spirit of covetousness, and every other spirit that has no place in the soul of a citizen of heaven.
Read MoreFor centuries and millennia, God’s faithful armies of angels have been working behind the scenes for the salvation of individuals upon the earth. We should draw great encouragement in this fact, rather than allowing the situations that we cannot control to overwhelm us.
Read MoreDoes it seem strange that, as the Lord rides out to retrieve His bride, He wears a bloodstained robe? There may be more than we can understand here, but we can be absolutely certain that He has taken notice of all the bloodshed in our fallen world—from the very first murder—and that nothing will keep Him from setting everything right.
Read MoreThe fire in the eyes of the Lord exhibits not only His passion for people, but anger at the sin that brings woe and death to them. Do you love Him for being angry over the things that would harm you?
Read MoreThis is not meant to be a “warm and fuzzy” pair of details for us to cuddle up with. If we remember the letter written to the last-day church, it should cause us to bolt upright and get serious about the business at hand, which is getting the everlasting gospel to every soul.
Read MoreThe testimony of Jesus is for each of us to receive and hold fast, as priceless treasure. The great archenemy seizes every opportunity to insert unbiblical ideas into true prophecy for the purpose of dislodging this treasure from our grasp…
Read MoreAny of us can readily sympathize with John, especially considering the enormous contrast between his harsh surroundings and treatment versus the beauty of the vision, the glory of the angel, and the greatness of the message.
Read MoreJesus, the Master Teacher, is teaching us to look beyond our suffering in this world. We cannot fathom the unimaginable suffering He was about to endure, yet He voluntarily entered into it even as He looked beyond it for the joy that was set before Him …
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