A time is soon coming when this very planet will become the seat of God’s glorious government for all of creation.
Read MoreThere is an ancient custom in which a victorious warrior returning home leads a train of captives behind him.
Read MoreJohn speaks as though this has already happened. This is because the saving work of our Lord is a guaranteed victory for all who love the Lord more than the things of this world.
Read MoreOnly through obedience can spiritual muscle be gained, learning to swim against worldly currents that would carry us, like plankton, on an aimless journey through life. This is the daily of Daniel 8:11-13 that our archenemy has sought to suppress and destroy.
Read MoreThe magnanimous, majestic King of the universe has also shown us His great humility. The nail-scarred Savior receives and aids those at the “end of their rope” who cry out to Him as a last resort!
Read MoreAll who love and believe the Giver of this invitation will regard His Word in its entirety above all earthly counsel. Your will and my will to live in obedience to this wonderful Word is a love-invitation to others!
Read MoreOur amazing God, the Source and Giver of all life, has only to speak life into reality.
Read MoreWhile it is true that our fallen world rejoices in, is entertained by, and celebrates evil, it is also true that many will come to recognize . . .
Read MoreLike the others noted in Biblical history, those rejecting the Lord and His word lived in a spiritual famine of hearing from heaven, while those who sought Him were sustained and nourished.
Read MoreThis is significant for Christ followers, in their desire to live for Him while feeding upon the true bread from heaven. The word of God becomes one with the follower of Christ. This figures into the long-cherished metaphor of Christ being married to His beloved church.
Read MoreThe French had been long oppressed and taxed by the Roman church. Disgusted by her hypocrisy and repulsed by the power she wielded over monarchies across Europe and beyond, the French government legislated against any church role in its national government.
Read MoreThe spiritual laws put in place by Almighty God are no less true just because certain influential people do not want them to be talked about. Likewise, not talking about a physical law, such as gravity, doesn’t make it any less real.
Read MoreIn asking for His help to overcome these things, I have found His love to be a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29). Indeed, the word that proceeds from His mouth devours the enemies within me that would stand as roadblocks to eternal life. We each must face enemies within ourselves.
Read MoreThis lampstand was to be kept burning always. It served as the perfect symbol of God’s ever-present witness to the world.
Read MoreEven though the “established” church enshrouded the Bible and kept it hidden from the masses, the wilderness church* operated quietly and effectively under divine direction and nourishment upon the Bread of Life…
Read MoreIn both of these instances, it is the persecutors of God’s people who are being emphasized. In the sense that citizens of heaven are persecuted on the earth, we understand the treading of the holy city. God limits the time this trampling is allowed.
Read MoreThe process of sanctification can be compared with building. It is He who does this work of sanctification, but He accomplishes only what we permit Him to accomplish. He requires a ‘building permit’. To the Lord, “I will” is infinitely greater than I.Q.
Read MoreThe book of Daniel begins with Babylon’s conquering of Judah. In it we are shown many insights as to the methods of operation that have been put into place to diminish the lively, vital importance of the sanctuary in the minds of the people.
Read MoreJeremiah’s heart was broken over the spiritual condition of his own countrymen. He has been named “the weeping prophet” because he never saw a single convert result from the messages he shared. Discouragement and bitterness nearly overtook him.
Read MoreWe must all learn to deal with disappointment. It has a humbling effect, but not to crush us! The sweetness of the promises found in Scripture buoy the sincere seeker of the Lord, lifting the gaze heavenward, and strengthening his step.
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